Its Gettin Easy Tab									by Dear And The Headlights tabs |											tabbed by The XOne | 									comments (0) 																																													1																							2																							3																							4																							5																																						   								 																	 									print																																							 									send																																							 									report																																																																																																																																																																					Its Gettin Easy Lyricsby Dear And The Headlights Lyrics																						Its Gettin Easy Tabat																																																						 																																																																																																																																																																																												 																																																																																																																												+ to speed up (numpad)															- to slow down (numpad)															Esc to stop																												Help																																																																																																																																																											Its Gettin Easy tab by Dear And The Headlights, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com																																													Listen to Its Gettin Easy																																														Add to favourites																																																																																														tf_artist = "Dear And The Headlights";											tf_song = "Its Gettin Easy";																																																												[ch]E[/ch]                               [ch]A[/ch]    [ch]B[/ch]
In this act I'll disguise those dead eyes, stretch tight the lips, a 
glistening gum line
Mouth curtains pulled I shine

[ch]E[/ch]                     [ch]A[/ch]        [ch]B[/ch]
My yellow stage light smile distracting
Dancing puppets on short saliva strings
So you'll find comfort in a lie

[ch]B[/ch]                            [ch]F#[/ch]
My overbite clenched, set in place
Like a stack of polished bright white dinner plates
Hand in my pocket, straight jacket mind yeah
It's getting easy

[ch]B[/ch]                     [ch]F#[/ch]                               [ch]E[/ch]
I wish I had a single thought the least bit legitimate enough
To open up my mouth and spit accuracy
It's getting easy

[ch]E[/ch]                               [ch]A[/ch]    [ch]B[/ch]
In this act I'll disguise those dead eyes, lay flat the tongue
Let the supplement slide down
Everything is fine

[ch]E[/ch]                               [ch]B[/ch]
And my brain is cloudy, leveled out
The pill dissolved
                       [ch]E[/ch]              [ch]B[/ch]   [ch]F#[/ch]
It's flushing out everything I care about and not replacing it with anything

[ch]B[/ch]                      [ch]E[/ch]
So I'm on my hands and knees
[ch]E[/ch]                                   [ch]F#[/ch]
Like a martyr calling out his final plea
The executioner looks exactly like me, it's me
It's getting easy

[ch]B[/ch]                       [ch]E[/ch]
My overbite clenched so tight
[ch]E[/ch]                                          [ch]F#[/ch]
Like a stack of dinner plates all polished white
Hands at my sides, straight jacket mind alright
It's getting easy																																																																													tf_artist = "Dear And The Headlights";											tf_song = "Its Gettin Easy";																															         																																																																																																		

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