Artist: Death Cab For Cutie Song: 405 Album: We have the facts… Listen carefully for the perfect timing. Verse: Mute (m) after 2nd beat. G|-------------------------| D|-------------------------| A|-3~m---------3~m-0~m-3~m-| E|-----3~m-0~m-------------| Fill: In fill only, hold trills (~) for 4 beats. G|--------------| D|--------------| A|-5~-----3~-3~-| E|----0~m-------| Bridge: Hold Trills for 8 beats each in bridge. G|----------| D|----------| A|----0~-3~-| E|-0~-------| Outro 3:12 G|----| D|----| A|----| E|-3~-| Order: Verse (0:40) 2x Fill (1:24) 2x Verse (1:40) 2x Bridge (2:24) 2x Fill (2:40) 4x Outro (3:12) 1x