Song For Kelly Huckaby Tab by Death Cab For Cutie tabs | tabbed by oldnewstoread | comments (0) 1 2 3 4 5 print send report More versions: intros Ver 1 Song For Kelly Huckaby Lyricsby Death Cab For Cutie Lyrics Song For Kelly Huckaby Tabat + to speed up (numpad) - to slow down (numpad) Esc to stop Help Song For Kelly Huckaby tab by Death Cab For Cutie, www.Ultimate-Guitar.Com Listen to Song For Kelly Huckaby Add to favourites Difficulty: novice tf_artist = "Death Cab For Cutie"; tf_song = "Song For Kelly Huckaby"; So this song is in the key of C. If its not exactly right then i think its very close,
still kinda figuring it out as we speak but this should point you in the right direction.
I think at some points the riff changes to this, maybe during all of the verses, but I'm
100% sure about that.
And these are the chords played during the chorus(it's not really a chorus but the part
it gets intense)...
and this is played during this part also, I think it's just tremolo picked.
It's played throughout most of the song as well but it is much louder during the chorus.
Well that's all I got...hope it's adecent (x02210@1)tab! tf_artist = "Death Cab For Cutie"; tf_song = "Song For Kelly Huckaby";