DEATH IN JUNE - Hollows of Devotion (But what ends when the symbols shatter? / 1992)

Chord research by M.Polster

G (320003@1)              DAnd (xx0232@1)I shall your eyes
       GInto (320003@1)tears
     EmWhen (022000@1)all that's left
           G (320003@1)         FAre (133211@1)the hollows of devotion

GAnd, (320003@1)out of vision
           DWe (xx0232@1)shall bring
     GThe (320003@1)void
  EmCrowned (022000@1)with hoods
      G (320003@1)         FAnd (133211@1)crying with hope

GEagle (320003@1)on arm -
      D (xx0232@1)         GAnd (320003@1)terror    in eye
  Em (022000@1)   
Resist and struggle -
       G (320003@1)         FYour (133211@1)faith   is a lie

GAnd, (320003@1)the death of dreams
       D (xx0232@1)            GShall (320003@1)be a beautiful end
        EmWith (022000@1)flowers of filth
      G (320003@1)          FAnd (133211@1)wine and fine men

G D G Em G F   (maybe whistle the trumpet part ;)  )
G (320003@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_022000@1">Em G (320003@1)name="chord_133211@1">F

C (x32010@1)                 GCertains (320003@1)slips of the tongue
      EmAre (022000@1)laced with disappointment
  C (x32010@1)        GWith (320003@1)disappointment
       EmFrom (022000@1)start to end
    C (x32010@1)                GConfront (320003@1)me with your dream
Confront me with your dream
Confront me with your dream
      Em (022000@1)         AAnd (x02220@1)lives so cruel I curse

G (320003@1)                DAnd, (xx0232@1)I shall turn your eyes
       GInto (320003@1)tears
     EmWhen (022000@1)all that's left
           G (320003@1)        FAre (133211@1)the hollows of devotion

GAnd, (320003@1)out of vision
            DWe (xx0232@1)shall bring
      GThe (320003@1)void
   Em (022000@1)      
Crowned with hoods
       G (320003@1)        FAnd (133211@1)crying with hope

GAnd, (320003@1)the death of dreams
       D (xx0232@1)            GShall (320003@1)be a beautiful end
        EmWith (022000@1)flowers of filth
      G (320003@1)          FAnd (133211@1)wine and fine men

GAnd, (320003@1)the death of dreams
       D (xx0232@1)            GShall (320003@1)be a beautiful end
        EmWith (022000@1)flowers of filth
      G (320003@1)          FAnd (133211@1)wine and fine men

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