not 100% sure, but i just wanted to share it with you.

Em: 022000
G: 320003
C: 030210
em*: this might be an F:133211

Intro: Em, G, C (hammer ons on the b string with pinkey with c chord)

Em (022000@1)name="chord_320003@1">G        Cautistic (x32010@1)brother
Em (022000@1)name="chord_320003@1">G             Crefridgerator (x32010@1)mother
Em (022000@1)      G (320003@1)        
PIlls all across the floor
    Cthe (x32010@1)inside of your medicine drawer
Em (022000@1)        G (320003@1)        CThe (x32010@1)outside, looking in
Em (022000@1)  G (320003@1)             Cgoing (x32010@1)through the eye sockets
     Em (022000@1)            G (320003@1)         Csteel (x32010@1)walls and grey wrinkels of flesh
Em (022000@1)             G (320003@1)            Clitheum (x32010@1)among us neurons firing bloodcodes pass from family to family 
   Em (022000@1)             G (320003@1)              Cand (x32010@1)everyone of the other side of the wall
Em*          G (320003@1)              Csearch (x32010@1)for a need in a sea of haze   
       Em*                           G (320003@1)               Cand (x32010@1)we poke and prod, poke and prod, poke and prod and poke and prod, 
Em (022000@1)     G (320003@1)                      Fwe (133211@1)don't understand what makes us up
Em (022000@1)           G (320003@1)            Csocial (x32010@1)science all are social fuck-ups

play intro 2x

Em (022000@1)name="chord_320003@1">G       Csad (x32010@1)sad sister
Em (022000@1)name="chord_320003@1">G          Cfrustrated (x32010@1)father
Em (022000@1)          G (320003@1)          Cdo (x32010@1)you need a place to go, do you need a room to hide in 
Em (022000@1)          G (320003@1)         Ccocktail (x32010@1)combinations the injection
Em (022000@1)         G (320003@1)             Clost (x32010@1)like an eel in a sea of hay
    Em*                 G (320003@1)              Cand (x32010@1)stacks of bills prescripitons pills something in the way
F (133211@1)       Em (022000@1) 
mhhh mhhhh mhhhh
                     G (320003@1)                        C(end (x32010@1)the song on this Cchord) (x32010@1)the distance betweed ourself and what we see as sick

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