Em (022000@1)                B (x2444x@1)        	 	EI'll (022100@1)tell you in street intersections because they give you a place to go. 
                 B (x2444x@1)                               E (022100@1)            
Give meanings to lines on maps, and tell you how you're gonna get home. 
                          B (x2444x@1)                           E (022100@1)                 
Now I'm back here in the Midwest, where everything's familiar and 
                                                                           B (x2444x@1) Esincere (022100@1)but everything's external. Nothin' just happened to you here, in-

between coasts.   [B E B E]
F# (244322@1)                 E (022100@1)              B (x2444x@1)   F#Looking (244322@1)for what it was you lost on 2nd St. Forgot what it was
E (022100@1)      [Bs] F# (244322@1)                   E (022100@1)                 Bon (x2444x@1)Washington.   And you let it go, you let it go, you let it go and jumped in 
                               F# (244322@1)                         E (022100@1)                  [B,E..]
that pool on Dunn. We're still in town, isn't that fun. Yeah, isn't that fun.
E (022100@1)                                               B (x2444x@1)                               ENow (022100@1)I know there's been some hard times, and I don't mean you and me. 
                        B (x2444x@1)                                                       EYou're (022100@1)over believing and back to forgetting, and you're turning on T.V. 
                                                     B (x2444x@1)                      EAnd (022100@1)what you see just makes you numb, and the headlines all become a 
                       B (x2444x@1)                                                Eblur. (022100@1)And the years and the lives scroll by the bottom of the screen like 
                                 B (x2444x@1)                                                      Edesert (022100@1)sand. We're entrenched in a mess, embedded in our beds, sleeping in.  
B (x2444x@1)                                                                                EWhat (022100@1)I wouldn't give, to want to live like I once did.
F# (244322@1)                           E (022100@1)                       BLooking (x2444x@1)for what it was you lost on 2nd St. I'm staring through the 
                          F# (244322@1)                      E (022100@1)                                    Bwindows (x2444x@1)of my friends, and I can see all their lofted beds. Imagining all 
          F# (244322@1)                   E (022100@1)            	                       B (x2444x@1)         F#these (244322@1)lofty dreams in skinny clouds above their heads, and we're waitin' for the 
E (022100@1)     Bhesitation (x2444x@1)to end. 
F# (244322@1)  				E (022100@1)  B (x2444x@1)		 F# (244322@1)                    EThis (022100@1)town is way too small to ever need the bus. So meet me at the pool that 
						B (x2444x@1)[B, E, B, E..]
They keep unlocked all night for us.

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