Repeated throughout much of the song

Intro x 3 then ( E , E , A , A , E , E ) ( D , D , D4 , D4 , D , D ) at same tempo as the third and forth bar above 
+ Short Guitar Solo Chords ( A , A4 , A , C , C *, C )

One, two, three, start

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Fruit ooze is wetly lewd
Stay dry in rubber boots and

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Cucumbers ripe and rude
Bend over fixed to shoot and

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Breath hard in metal suits
Live right make lots of loot
Be stiff
(Short Guitar Solo)

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Wet women waste your food
Go solo no no two's and

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Watch out for fruits and mutes and
Deep sleepeers jerk the root

So be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Breath hard in metal suits
Live right make lots of loot and
Oh be stiff
(Long Solo - Same Chords as Intro+Verse)

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Fruit ooze is wetly lewd
Stay dry in rubber boots and

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Wet women waste your food
Go solo no no two's and

Be stiff, b-abies be stiff
Breath hard in metal suits
Live right make lots of loot an
Oh be stiff
( E , E , A , A , E , E ) ( D , D , D4 , D4 , D , D ), (Short Solo Chords x3)

( D , D , D4 , D4 , D , D ) then
    E  E  A A
e | --0--0--0-0-x- | 
B | --0--0--2-2-0- | 
G | --1--1--2-2-0- | 
D | --2--2--2-2-0- | 
A | --2--2--0-0-x- | 
E | --0--0--0-0-x- | 

Brought to you by ChuffersDanube
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