• Song:


  • Artist:

    Dimmu Borgir

  • Album:

    Live in Germany

/ \=slide 
pm=palm mute 
..=tremelo picking 
T =tapping 
T/=tap slide 
D=drop whammy Bar 
Intro with keys ............................................................|last time   | 
Riff 1a x 4 
pm .................. 
Riff 1b x 2 
 pm.......................                 pm....................... 
Riff 1c x 2 
                                pm...........                                      | rake | 
Riff 2 x 4 
Riff 3 x 2 
  | let ring out over drums and keys|pm..................     .................. 
 pm..................       ....  ....   ....         ....  ....  .... 
keyboard break 
   | let ring out over keys ................................................| last time| 
Riff 4a x2 
Riff 4b x2 (same rythme as 4a but tremelo picked) 
Riff 4c x2 ( samr rythme as 4a but little bit different in places) 
                              pm...........|                            pm...........| 
Riff 2 x 4 
Riff 5a x 2 (tremelo picked the whole way) 
Riff 5b x 1 
    pm.......   .........   .........   .......     .......   .........   ...........   .......... 
    pm.......   .........   .........   .......     .......   .........   ...........   .......... 
Riff 5c x 1 (same as 5b but picked abit different) 
    pm........  ..........  ..........  ........     .......    ..........  ..........  ........... 
pm.....    ..................    ................    .................    .......... 
Keyboard stop 
Riff 1a x 4 
Riff 1b x 2 
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