• Song:

    Droppin Plates

  • Artist:


Author/Artist: Disturbed
Title: Droppin Plates
Album: The Sickness (2000)
Transcribed by: Chris Black
Email: inferno_fury@msn.com
Legend|					 |
------|                              |
|-----| Palm Mute				 |
   /    slide up				 |

Dropped D Tuning down a 1/2 step 

   |-------|    |------|     |------|    |------|     |------|    |------|                                                         

								   	                                       Fig:1    Fig:2
Verse 1:
Bridge:			   Figure 3

Verse 2:
Breakdown 1:

Breakdown 2:




Order of Play

Intro (Figure 1 is used here)

Verse 1 x2

Bridge x4 (on fourth time through let the last note ring until verse starts agai

Verse 1 x1

verse 2 x1

Intro (Figure 2 replaces figure 1 at the end of the last bar.)

Breakdown 1

Breakdown 2

Bridge (use figure 3 here let ring til intro kicks in again)


That's about it. If you have trouble following the beat set in the intro at
any time just listen to the double kick pedal. Thats the pattern to follow on the Palm
muted areas. The same goes for the majority of the song. Enjoy!!
Any corrections email me.
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