I Love this song, really gets me moving, try it out.

The Millionaire [Dr Hook]
[A]I'm not a bad person,  I dont drink and I dont [E] kill, [D] I got no

evil habits, [A] and I prob'ly never [E] will.
[A] I don't sing like Elvis Presley,  I can't dance like Fred [E] Astaire,  

But [D] there's one thing in my [A] favour,



[E] And I've got more [A] money,  than a horse has hairs, cos my rich 

old uncle [D] died,  and answered all my [E] prayers,
But havin' all of this [A] money, is gonna bring me [D] down,  if you

ain't with me, [A] honey,  to [E] help me spread it [A] around.    

[Verse Two]

[A] I could get myself a nose job,  I could diet for a [E]year,  But I'd 

[D] never be Robert Redford, [A] 'cos I'm much too fond of [E] beer.

Oh Please [A] don't misunderstand me,  It's not love I'm tryin' to [E] buy, 

It's [D] just I've got all this [A] here money, and I'm a pretty ugly [E]

guy . 

[E] And I've got more [A] money,  than a horse has hairs, cos my rich 

old uncle [D] died,  and answered all my [E] prayers,
But havin' all of this [A] money, is gonna bring me [D] down,  if you

ain't with me, [A] honey,  to [E] help me spread it [A] around.    


[D] I don't mind if you [E] love me for my [A] money, or if [D] you love me 

for whatever else I [E]got,  but [D]except for all this [E] stuff, I'm 

alone in Fort [A] Knox, and I guess [D] I'm not doin' all that [E] hot! 

[Chorus] X 2 to end.

[E] And I've got more [A] money,  than a horse has hairs, cos my rich 

old uncle [D] died,  and answered all my [E] prayers,
But havin' all of this [A] money, is gonna bring me [D] down,  if you

ain't with me, [A] honey,  to [E] help me spread it [A] around.
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