 C (x32010@1)Cmaj7 (x32000@1)F (133211@1)  G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1) Dm (xx0231@1) Em (022000@1) Cadd9 (x32030@1) 
-0-  -0-  -1-  -3-  -0-  -1-  -0-   -0-
-1-  -0-  -1-  -3-  -1-  -3-  -0-   -3-
-0-  -0-  -2-  -0-  -2-  -2-  -0-   -0-
-2-  -2-  -3-  -0-  -2-  -0-  -2-   -2-
-3-  -3-  -3-  -2-  -0-  -0-  -2-   -3-
-0-  -0-  -1-  -3-  -0-  -0-  -0-   -0-

C (x32010@1)            Cmaj7 (x32000@1)             FWhat (133211@1)do tigers dream of, when they take a little tiger snooze?
        C (x32010@1)              Cmaj7 (x32000@1)          FDo (133211@1)they dream of mauling zebras, or Halle Berry in her catwoman suit?
G (320003@1)                  Am (x02210@1)                                          
Don't you worry your pretty stripped head 
            F (133211@1)                            Cwe're (x32010@1)gonna get you back to Tyson and your cozy tiger bed.
    G (320003@1)                       Am (x02210@1)           
And then we're gonna find our bestfriend Doug 
    F (133211@1)                         Cand (x32010@1)then we're gonna give him a bestfriend hug.
G (320003@1)   Am (x02210@1)      F (133211@1)          CDoug, (x32010@1)Doug, Oh, Doug Douggie Douggie Doug Doug.
    C (x32010@1)          Dm (xx0231@1)        Em (022000@1)         FBut (133211@1)if he's been murdered by crystal meth tweakers, 
     F (133211@1)        G (320003@1)         Cadd9well (x32030@1)then we're shit out of luck.


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