Eddie Money Gimme Some Water Standard Tuning Chords A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A(x2) (x02220@1) -- Verse 1 -- A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) AMama (x02220@1)never understood what it's like for a losin man A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) when her number one son goes bad playing cards with the devils hand A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) ABoy (x02220@1) Daddy got real sick so quick four walls never understand A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) I was the one who got good with the gun took the money from the rich mans land -- Chorus -- A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Gimme some water cuz I shot a man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) cool cool water A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Agimme (x02220@1)some water A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) AI (x02220@1)need a little water -- Verse 2 -- A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) AJimmy (x02220@1)grew up so fast then he met me at the pass one day A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Said you a wanted man take your brothers hand I'll be running with you anyway A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Aso (x02220@1)we rode late into the night lightin fires on the desert sand A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) till one day the posse caught us cause the sherrif always gets his man -- Chorus -- A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Gimme some water cuz I killed man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) ( beat only) cool cool water I need a little water -- Turnaround -- D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) AOh (x02220@1)geez if I could just get loose my hands D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) CI'd (x32010@1)run just as fast as my legs can D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Abut (x02220@1)lord I got no room to run D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Ashouldn't (x02220@1)have done what I did with that there gun -- Solo -- D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1)(x4) I hate it (3rd round) A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) AGimme (x02220@1)some water cause I killed a man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D(2 (xx0232@1)hard then stop) cool cool water -- Verse 3 -- A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Acan't (x02220@1)you see that long white rope hanging from the hangmans tree A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Atake (x02220@1)a restless horse time my hands of course tell my mother that I'm finally free A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) Alet (x02220@1)me die like a man no one understands let me pray let a poor man pray A (x02220@1) A (x02220@1) (muted) smack that horse in the ass with my last dying gasp my brother could hear me say -- Chorus -- A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Gimme some water cuz I shot a man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) cool cool water gimme some water A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Gimme some water cuz I shot a man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) cool cool water gimme some water A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Gimme some water cuz I shot a man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) cool cool water gimme some water A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) Gimme some water cuz I killed a man on the mexican border A (x02220@1) G (320003@1) D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1) cool sweet water gimme some water A (x02220@1)G (320003@1)D (xx0232@1)A(x2) (x02220@1) Learn to play "Eddie Money" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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Select "correction" instead! var current_rating = 0; var current_rating_count = 0; var tabid = 1453541; var ug_serv = ".ultimate-guitar.com"; var tabs_user_id = 5475306; var transpose_to = 0; var has_ad_free = '0'; var tab_info = { 'name': 'gimme some water', 'version': 1, 'type': 'Chords' }; var instr = 'guitar'; var applicature = {"A":[{"l":[],"x":9,"n":[52,49,45,40,33,-1],"t":[0,2,2,2,0,-1],"g":[0,3,2,1,0,0],"f":0}],"G":[{"l":[],"x":7,"n":[55,47,43,38,35,31],"t":[3,0,0,0,2,3],"g":[3,0,0,0,1,2],"f":0}],"D":[{"l":[],"x":2,"n":[54,50,45,38,-1,-1],"t":[2,3,2,0,-1,-1],"g":[2,3,1,0,0,0],"f":0}],"C":[{"l":[],"x":0,"n":[52,48,43,40,36,-1],"t":[0,1,0,2,3,-1],"g":[0,1,0,2,3,0],"f":0}]}; var acc_tuning = "E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E"; var appl_api_version = 3; var ga_preffix = 'Text tabs '; $('.etp_banner .close_etp').click(function(){ $(this).parents('.etp_banner').css('height', 0).removeClass('open'); return false; }); $('.etp_banner .buybtn').click(function(){ $('.etp_banner').css('height', 0).removeClass('open'); }); (function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; if (d.getElementById(id)) return; js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id; js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_GB/all.js#xfbml=1&appId=539490962762175"; fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs); }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); © 2014 Ultimate-Guitar.com or its affiliates. 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