• Song:


  • Artist:


em G D em
em G D C

em                 G        D                em
My Dear how could you ever leave me in this mess

em                 G        D              em
I dream of you so often you seem to turn away

D            H7       C              G
We walked together no matter the distance

D            H7       C              D
We'll fight forever through the heavy rain

em                  G   D                    H7
So please stay with me I need your warmth so much

em        G         D                  H7       em  
I run to you if you just would hold my hands in yours

em                     G   D             em
My neat love if I call you will you understand

em                         G     D           em
But I want you to dive with me in Roseslake again

D             H7         C              G
I'll be here forever no matter why you cry

D             H7         C              D
We'll fight together through the stormy sky

em                  G   D                    H7
So please stay with me I need your warmth so much

em        G         D                  H7       em       G
I run to you if you just would hold my hands in you-----rs

D                       H7
I need your warmth so much

em        G          D                  H7       am7  D
I run to you if you just would hold my hands in yours

am7  D       em
in yours... in yours
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