(We Can Remember) New Year�s Eve by: Eric Hutchinson Chords by Mike Miller Intro (and in between verses) Bb Gm Bb (x1333x@1) GmVerse (355333@1)1 Bb (x1333x@1) Gmfunny (355333@1)how time slips away Cm (x3101x@1) Gm11 F11one (xx3343@1)more year gone by Bb (x1333x@1) Gmand (355333@1)our stories will convey Cm (x3101x@1) Gm11 F11how (xx3343@1)our tears ran dry Bb (x1333x@1) Dm11 Gm (355333@1) Gm7 things won�t be like before Eb (x43121@3) Eb7 (x32310@4) Fbut (133211@1)i�m pretty sure Bb (x1333x@1) Bb/F# Gmspirits (355333@1)will endure Cm (x3101x@1) F (133211@1) Bband (x1333x@1)we can remember new year�s eve Verse 2 take your eye off of the clock you can hold time still opportunity will knock leaving you fulfilled as an old year turns think of what we�ve learned hope and promise burned and we can remember new year�s eve Bridge Cm (x3101x@1) Fpeople (133211@1)get bent out of shape Bb (x1333x@1) Dm11 Gmand (355333@1)searching out of plans they made for one big night Cm (x3101x@1) Ftime�s (133211@1)a man made measure of business and pleasure D (xx0232@1) Gm (355333@1) and it starts to take over our lives Eband (x43121@3)we let it Eb/ F oh we can�t forget Verse 3 when we look back on these days we will find some truth in the year that patiently celebrated youth save the season for your friends smiles will transcend this is not the end and we can remember new year�s eve Learn to play "Eric Hutchinson" with online video lessons UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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