F (133211@1) G (320003@1) AmTake (x02210@1)my cigarettes trash my guitar F (133211@1) G (320003@1) AmI'll (x02210@1)do anything just to know where you are F (133211@1) G (320003@1) AmI'll (x02210@1)write your name across the whole Chinese wall Dm (xx0231@1) Dm(E) FPlease (133211@1)pick up the phone, answer my call F (133211@1) G (320003@1) AmI (x02210@1)know last night didn't turn out so great F (133211@1) G (320003@1) AmI (x02210@1)feel like Nixon right after Watergate F (133211@1) G (320003@1) AmAnd (x02210@1)I'm so sorry but I'll make it up to you Dm (xx0231@1) Dm(E) FOh, (133211@1)that's the reason why F (133211@1) GI (320003@1)fly around the world AmTo (x02210@1)bring my baby back F (133211@1) GI (320003@1)give my word AmIt's (x02210@1)just a simple fact F (133211@1) GAll (320003@1)around the world AmAnd (x02210@1)I won't stop Dm (xx0231@1) Dm(E) FNo (133211@1)matter where she's at I'll bring my baby back F (133211@1) G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1) F, G, AmOh, (x02210@1)I'll bring my baby back I'd cross the ocean in a boat full of holes To find you baby, I'd walk on burning coals Give me a sign, tell me where to run So I won't be like Icaros and fly into the sun I fly around the world To bring my baby back I give my word It's just a simple fact All around the world And I won't stop No matter where she's at I'll bring my baby back Oh, I'll bring my baby back Em (022000@1) AmYeah, (x02210@1)every little thing is going out of control F (133211@1) GI (320003@1)gotta find a way to fill the hole in my soul Em (022000@1) AmYeah (x02210@1)and everybody says a broken heart heals with time Dm (xx0231@1) Dm(E) I'm running out of tears to cry FThat's (133211@1)the reason why G (320003@1) AI (x02220@1)fly around the world HmTo (x24432@1)bring my baby back G (320003@1) AI (x02220@1)give my word HmOh, (x24432@1)it's just a simple fact G (320003@1) AAll (x02220@1)around the world HmAnd (x24432@1)I won't stop Em (022000@1) Em(F#) GNo (320003@1)matter where she's at I'll bring my baby back Oh, I'll bring my baby back (Bring my baby back Bring my baby back Bring my baby back Bring my baby back) Bring my baby back (Bring my baby back Bring my baby back) No matter where she's at To bring my baby back (Bring my baby back Bring my baby back) Bring my baby back (Bring my baby back Bring my baby back) It's just a simple fact (Bring my baby back Bring my baby back) Bring my baby back Tabs too difficult? 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