Capo6 Erik: GHello (320003@1)Goodbye D(F#) You were perfect but now EmThat (022000@1)the sun's coming Cout (x32010@1)we're thru G (320003@1) Your body and mine HmEmpty (x24432@1)bottles of wine EmAnd (022000@1)the memory CThat's (x32010@1)chasing clues AmLet's (x02210@1)not make things EmComplicated (022000@1)C (x32010@1) DWe're (xx0232@1)better off separated Cuz. B�da: G (320003@1) DNow (xx0232@1)we're sober Em (022000@1) CIt's (x32010@1)all over G (320003@1) Don't push your luck DAnd (xx0232@1)ask if you could stay Em (022000@1) There's nothing more I need C (x32010@1) DJust (xx0232@1)go away Erik: Just go away. Tone: Hello Goodbye You were perfect last night But this bed isn't Made for two You said Please stay the night I could be Mr Right For a second That line felt true Let's not make things Complicated We're better off separated Cuz. B�da: Now we're sober It's all over Tone: And nothing that You say will sound OK I'll pack my things there Ain't no other way B�da: Now we're sober Don't come closer Tone: Don't push your luck And ask if I could stay There's nothing more I need I'll go away. B�da: Am (x02210@1) GWe (320003@1)could do Dthis (xx0232@1)all again Am (x02210@1) We should G (320003@1) Denjoy (xx0232@1)it while we can AmCall (x02210@1)me G (320003@1) Dwhenever (xx0232@1)you feel alone CAnd (x32010@1)I will take you home Tone: But then you're on your own Cuz. Erik: Hello Goodbye You were perfect But now That the sun's coming out We're thru. B�da: Now we're sober It's all over Cuz every now and then I need to play With you the game gets Better every day Now we're sober Don't come closer There's nothing that we say will sound OK Hello Goodbye We'll go our separates ways Our separates ways. 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