• Song:


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  • Album:

    2002-12-31: Jaunitas, L...

Evanescence - Haunted


* = Mute the string. Not Palm mute. This is where the left hand and the right have stop
strings from vibrating.

x = Fret mute. Like palm mute but the fretting fingers sit on the strings half pushing
strings down for a muted sound. Often, all the fingers lay flat over all 6 strings
them all.

PM = Palm Mute. This is where the note is struck with the strumming palm resting
on the strings very close to the bridge. This is located below the strings and above the timing.
 PM---------->       PM---------|      PM

/ = Slide Up. Where needed, Notify if it's a slow slide or a fast slide.

 = Slide down.

PS = Pick Slide. The / or  will signify the direction. This is located below the
and above the timing. --12--1--

QS = Quick slide. The / or  will signify the direction. This is located below the
and above the timing. It's where you slide into the note but it's a fraction of a second.
nearly so fast that you hardly notice it. Start the note about 2 or 3 frets away from 
note, strike it as you are sliding and finish at the desired note.
  1 e+ (022000@1)a (x02210@1)
VS = Volume Swell. Strike the note with the volume knob turned down and slowly increase volume.

VF = Volume Fade. Same as swell but reverse.

^ = Next note on that string isn't picked and is a continuation. Usually used to show
ons and Pull offs. Located on the string between the notes.

H = Hammer on. This is where your fretting hand frets down hard to create string
or continue vibration, without plucking the string. Located above strings.

P = Pull off. Same as Hammer off but you flick the fretting finger off after a very
bend to have it flick back for the string to vibrate on the lower fret. It's like plucking
your fret finger as you take your finger off.

T = Tap with the strumming hand on the indicated fret. Located the same as Hammer on and 
   T  P    P    T    P    P

TH = Tap harmonic. This is when you fret a note and then tap the fret line on the 5th,
or 12th above the fret.

HR = Harmonic. It's where you lightly touch the string above the fret line for a split
as you pluck the string. Located above the strings.
   HR   HR  HR

PH = Pinch Harmonic. This is where the bottom of your picking thumb slightly touches the
as you pluck the string. Depending on the fret played, the distance from the bridge
the squeal happens differs.

F = Full bend. 2 frets. 1 whole step. Strike it then bend up where the F is located. So
F dead above the Note means to bend like a QS. And F a beat later means gradual bend up
that F.
   F---8--- (133211@1)
? = Half bend. 1 fret. Half a step. Alt key 171.

? = Quarter bend.

F? = 1 and a half steps.

R = Release bend.

WB/ = Whammy bar dips or vibrato or bends.
        WB /  WB////  WBF     WB?   WB^^^^^

^^^ = Small vibrato located above the strings.

// = Wide vibrato located above the strings.

. = Staccato note. It's short and sharp; crisp. Locating under strings.
             .           .   .

() = Not strummed but continued from the last strike of the note. Letting it ring out
this point. Usually used where the timing needs a beat writing so you know if it's the 8th
after the 3rd b3at or 4th beat. Something similar to that. Also where a slide doesn't 
the note but just lets it ring, and also where a note continues over into a new bar.
  1    (2)  +   (3)   +  4        (1)        4    +

||.   .||
||.   .|| = Repeat Signs. Repeat content between the repeat signs.  So you see where the
starts, then play through until you see where the second set is, and then you repeat
to the first set. If there is X? above the "repeat end sign", then you repeat that 
of times. If there is no X? above the repeat end sign, then only repeat once and then

W / = With. Meaning the tab following is played along with the Rhy Fig indicated. 
above strings.

[Wah V ^ V] = Wah pedal. V is pedal down, ^ is pedal up.  ^ ^ ^ ^  is gradually up.
above strings.

GTR1 Volume swell each note.
        /////         /////             /////
 |   1                3                       1                  3          4
 | GTR2 Half volume.
 | VS               VS  VF                                      VS VF      VS     VF

   1                  3                      (1)                 3          4

        /////         /////             /////                       X3
|    1                3                       1                  3          4
|VS VF      VS                                                 VS  VF

   1        2         3                     (1)                  3          4

GTR1 Volume swell each note.
        /////         /////             /////
|   1                3                       1                  3          4
| GTR2 Half volume.
| VS               VS  VF                            VS  VF

  1                  3                      (1)        2         3          4

        /////         /////             /////                       X3
|    1                3                       1                  3          4
|VS                                                                       VS  VF

  1                                         (1)                             4

GTR1 Volume swell each note.
        /////         /////             /////
|   1                3                       1                  3          4
| GTR2 Half volume.
| VS                                                 VS  VF

  1                  3                      (1)        2         3          4

        /////         /////             /////                       X3
|    1                3                       1                  3          4

  1                                         (1)                             4

GTR1 End volume swell

|  1        2        3        4              1        2        3        4


|  1        2        3        4              1        2        3



  1        2         3        4

(GTR2 uses a wah pedle. Slow lift on the 3rd beat, and a quick lift just before the 1st beat.)

                    PM--------------->                        PM-----------------------|
    1       2        3       4 e (022000@1)  a (x02210@1)       1       2        3       4 e (022000@1)  a (x02210@1)                                                                      End Rhy Fig 1-->
   1       2        3       4 e (022000@1)  a (x02210@1)       1       2        3        4

(Wah lift on GTR 2 here.)
|          PM
| 1       2
| GTR2 (Can play both of these on the 1 guitar at the same time.)
|    VS          WB//  VF
|  1      2      3      4
| GTR3 (Can play both of these on the 1 guitar at the same time.)
|                      F Slow bend-----------------------------------------------------|
  1      2    3      4

    1   a (x02210@1) +   e (022000@1) (2) e (022000@1)   a3 (x02210@1)

   1   a (x02210@1) +   e (022000@1) (2) e (022000@1)   a3 (x02210@1)  (4)  +

Rhy Fig 1

                    PM--------------->                        PM----------------------|
    1       2        3       4 e (022000@1)  a (x02210@1)       1       2        3       4 e (022000@1)  a (x02210@1)
   1       2        3       4 e (022000@1)  a (x02210@1)       1       2        3        4


   1       2                4               1        2                 4


   1       2                4               1        2        3        4


   1       2        3        4              1        2        3        4


   1       2        3        4              1        2        3        4

Rhy Fig 1 X2

    1   a (x02210@1) +   e (022000@1) (2) e (022000@1)   a3 (x02210@1)   +

Now you slackers who write tab need to know some things about picking out music.

1. Head phones. Listen to 1 speaker at a time to hear the different guitars, without 

2. Use Media player and set the WOW effect to far right. This ups the volume of the mid
instruments. Lead needs to be far left.

3. Set Media player EQ to these settings. -14 -14 +5 -5 -5 -3 +6 +13 -14 -14. This cuts
cymbals and bass sounds and amplifies the mid range. Now you can actually hear the
For lead, -14 -14 -14 -14 -14 -4 +4 -14 +14 -14

4. Put the bloody timing in for God's sake. I am so sick of Tab without the timing.

5. For fast note changes, you can slow down the play speed.

If you can't do all this, then you really aren't very knowledgeable about music and you
get serious and learn how.

I picked this out entirely by ear.

Feel free to copy and distribute this at will.

S. Hammon.

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