"Blondes" (Bass) As Recorded by Everclear on the "White Trash Hell" EP Tabbed By Ashton Bailey (ashton_bailey@hotmail.com) Key: pm = palm mute = slide up towards the neck / = slide down towards the body fb = feedback h = hammer b = bend string r = ring (let string ring) Play this song with Heavy Distortion & a pick Intro G|-----------| D|-----------| A|-----------| Repeat 4 times E|--0-9-8-7--| E Db C B Main Verse G|---------------------| D|---------------------| A|---------------------| E|--0-9-9-0-9-0h9-8-7--| E Db E Db E Db C B Chorus G|-----------------------------------------------------------| D|-----------------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------4-4-4-4--| E|--5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4-5-5-5-5-0-0-0-0-5-5-5-5-4-4-4-4----------| A Ab A Em A Ab Db Interlude G|---------------------| D|---------------------| A|---------------------| E|--0-9-9-0-9-0h9-8-7--| E Db E Db E Db C B That's the whole song !