Pennsylvania Is Tab by Everclear Pennsylvania Is... World of Noise Lyrics By Art Alexakis Music By Everclear This is an interesting track about abuse. The guitar isn't too hard, but it's one of the more unique tracks on World of Noise because of the way the parts go together. Intro/verse: Bass scale in key of D Guitar comes in with this (verse part) e|-2------------------------------ b|-3------------------------------ g|-2---0-2---2-2/4-2-0-2---0-2---- d|-------------------------------- a|-------------------------------- e|-------------------------------- "takes a bus downtown..." variation e|--------------------------- b|--------------------------- g|--2-2/4-2-0------5-5-7----- d|-----------------5-5-7----- a|-----------------3-3-5----- e|--------------------------- back to verse again... then chorus e|------------------------------------------ b|------------------------------------------ g|-5-5-7---5-5-7--5-5-7--5-5-7--5-5-5-5-5-5- d|-5-5-7---5-5-7--5-5-7--5-5-7--5-5-5-5-5-5- a|-3-3-5---3-3-5--3-3-5--3-3-5--3-3-3-3-3-3- e|------------------------------------------ solo is basically a C pentatonic and then switches to a D pent