This is basically just the bass notes to the guitar chords I tabbed earlier... so this 
not be too hard.


(This should be slower at the beginning... about two or four notes for each chord played 
the guitar. There really isn't much bass in the beginning, but these are the notes you 

G ----------------------------------------------|
D ----------------------------------------------|
A -------------------------4--4--4--4-----------|
E --6--6--6--6--2--2--2--2--------------4-4-4-4-|
   Float by open windows...

Build Up (See the lines, see the lines....)

G -------------------------------------------------------------------|
D -------------------------------------------------------------------|
A -----------------4444444444444444----------------------------------|
E -2222222222222222----------------22222222222222224444444444444444--|

Chorus (Lines in the sky...)This can be played in either 8th or 16th notes

G ----------------------------|
D ----------------------------|
A --------------4(x32)--------| x2
E -6(x32)-2(x32)------4(x32)--|

Verse 2 is basically the same as the first except 8th notes (so a little faster)

G -------------------------------------------------------------------|
D -------------------------------------------------------------------|
A ----------------------------------4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4------------------|
E --6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-2-----------------4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4--|
    Float by open windows...

Breakdown (Call to the trees...) Slower once again

G ----------|
D ----------|
A ---2------| The speed can gradually increase with the song
E -2---2-4--|

The bass doesn't play for the guitar part at the end... so I guess I'm done.
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