Verse Riff

G (320003@1)		 EmE|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| (022000@1)B|-----0-------0-----|-----0-------0-----|-----0-------0-----|------0-------0----|

C (x32010@1)		G|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------|-------------------| (320003@1)|------1-------1----|------1-------1----|------0-------0----|------0-------0----|

     G (320003@1) 	   EmLook (022000@1)up,open the clouds
			C (x32010@1)	GHere (320003@1)comes the bombshell, on the way home
	G (320003@1)EmAnd (022000@1)	now we want the coal?
	     .C 	     GWe (320003@1)want the coal, Confusing times

G (320003@1)    Em (022000@1) C (x32010@1)  G (320003@1)
	G (320003@1)EmCry (022000@1)murder, cry what you like
		 C (x32010@1)GJust (320003@1)let the comets, lead the way
	      -Em		CWell (x32010@1)tear it down,Well hold the truth

	G (320003@1)  		Dby (xx0232@1)the neck, oh by the neck

	       Em (022000@1)     CKick (x32010@1)in the doors and burn the books
	   G (320003@1)DTry (xx0232@1)to forget, try to forget

G (320003@1)name="chord_022000@1">Em	C (x32010@1)name="chord_320003@1">G

	G (320003@1) 	EmAnd (022000@1)wear it like flag

	    C (x32010@1)		     GTry (320003@1)to be patient On the way home

	G (320003@1)	EmCause (022000@1)inside, behind every curtain
	            C (x32010@1)	     GThey (320003@1)count the minutes they count the days

		Em (022000@1)		CWell (x32010@1)tear it down, Well hold the truth
	G (320003@1)D (xx0232@1)by the neck by the neck

	       Em (022000@1)     CKick (x32010@1)in the doors and burn the books
	   G (320003@1)DTry (xx0232@1)to forget try to forget
C (x32010@1)					    G (320003@1)		Em (022000@1)
If you look at the horizon there is always something ducking out of sight
C (x32010@1)					   G (320003@1)		EmWhen (022000@1)youre looking at the treetops and theyre scratching out their patterns in the sky

G (320003@1)EmLook (022000@1)up, open the coulds
	            C (x32010@1)	     GHere (320003@1)comes the bombshell on the way home

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