C (x32010@1) GDo (320003@1)you remember back in old L.A. (Oh, oh, oh) Am (x02210@1) EWhen (022100@1)everybody drove a Chevrolet (Oh, oh, oh) F (133211@1) CWhatever (x32010@1)happened to the boy next door? D (xx0232@1) GThe (320003@1)sun-tanned, crew-cut, All-American male? C (x32010@1) GRemember (320003@1)dancing at the high school hop? (Oh, oh, oh) Am (x02210@1) EThe (022100@1)dress I ruined with the soda pop? (Oh, oh, oh) F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)I didn't recognize the girl next door D (xx0232@1) GWith (320003@1)beat up sneakers and a pony tail? e|------------------| B|------------------| G|------------------| D|-------0---2-3----| A|---0-3------------| E|-3----------------| C (x32010@1) FBeach (133211@1)baby, beach baby, give me your hand, G (320003@1) CGive (x32010@1)me something that I can remember F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CJust (x32010@1)like before we can walk by the shore in the moonlight... e|----------| B|----------| G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| E|-3s15-----| C (x32010@1) FBeach (133211@1)baby, beach baby, there on the sand G (320003@1) CFrom (x32010@1)July to the end of September F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CSurfin' (x32010@1)was fun we'd be out in the sun every day DOoooh, (xx0232@1)I never thought that it could end (Ooh, Ooh) Ooooh, and I was everybody's friend (Ooh, Ooh) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) ALong (x02220@1)hot days (Do do, do do, do do) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) ABlue (x02220@1)sea haze (Do do, do do, do do) E (022100@1) D (xx0232@1) AJukebox (x02220@1)plays (Do do, do do, do do) DBut (xx0232@1)now it's fading away! D G D A 2x G (320003@1) F (133211@1) EDo (022100@1)do do, do do do, do do doooooooooo!!! C G Am E C (x32010@1) G (320003@1) Am (x02210@1) EAAhhAhhh, (022100@1)AahhhAhhh, AAhhAhhh, AahhhAhhh... C (x32010@1) GWe (320003@1)couldn't wait for graduation day (Oh, oh, oh) Am (x02210@1) EWe (022100@1)took the car and drove to San Jose (Oh, oh, oh) F (133211@1) CThat's (x32010@1)where you told me that you'd wear my ring D (xx0232@1) GI (320003@1)guess you don't remember anything e|------------------| B|------------------| G|------------------| D|-------0---2-3----| A|---0-3------------| E|-3----------------| C (x32010@1) FBeach (133211@1)baby, beach baby, give me your hand, G (320003@1) CGive (x32010@1)me something that I can remember F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CJust (x32010@1)like before we can walk by the shore in the moonlight... e|----------| B|----------| G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| E|-3s15-----| C (x32010@1) FBeach (133211@1)baby, beach baby, there on the sand G (320003@1) CFrom (x32010@1)July to the end of September F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CSurfin' (x32010@1)was fun we'd be out in the sun every day C (x32010@1) FBeach (133211@1)baby, beach baby, give me your hand, G (320003@1) CGive (x32010@1)me something that I can remember F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CJust (x32010@1)like before we can walk by the shore in the moonlight... e|----------| B|----------| G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| E|-3s15-----| C (x32010@1) FBeach (133211@1)baby, beach baby, there on the sand G (320003@1) CFrom (x32010@1)July to the end of September F (133211@1) G (320003@1) CSurfin' (x32010@1)was fun we'd be out in the sun every day