Foals, Brazil is here. okay the very first part is played by Edwin though this is close on guitar D (xx0232@1)D (xx0232@1) U (Down, Down, Up) e|-----------------| B|-----------------| G|-14-14--14-------| Now for this to sound similar to the song, D|-----------------| really put emphasis on the "Up" stroke A|-----------------| This repeats throughout E|-----------------| (0:29) Jimmy e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--------------------------| (x4) D|--7-7----7----7-7----7----| A|-----------------------8--| E|--------------------------| (0:43) Jimmy e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|------------------------5-7-5---| D|--7----7----7----7----7---------| A|----8----7----5----5------------| E|--------------------------------| (0:56) Yannis e|----------------------------------------| B|---------------------17171515----15-----| (17's and 15's, not 1's, 7's and 5's) G|--55-7-5---55---5------------171714-----| (17's and 14's, not 1's, 7's and 4's) D|---------7----7---7---------------------| (just to make it clear) A|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------| Hey you could say the king is dead We've washed our hands of all we're read We watched white stars overhead We've washed our hands of all we're read He you could say the king is dead We've washed our hands of all we're read (1:39) (This verse is then repeated but this time without any thing but the introduction melody) One life-raft awaits, everyone (x8) (1:54) Jimmy e|--------------------------| B|--------------------------| G|--------------------------| D|--7-7----7----7-7----7----| A|-----------------------8--| E|--------------------------| this melody then once again moves into... (2:10) Jimmy e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|------------------------5-7-5---| D|--7----7----7----7----7---------| A|----8----7----5----5------------| E|--------------------------------| Ooooooooooohhh, Volcano Volcano (2:25) The verse then begins once more and Yannis continues with his melody Yannis e|----------------------------------------| B|---------------------17171515----15-----| G|--55-7-5---55---5------------171714-----| D|---------7----7---7---------------------| A|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------| at 2:53 everything again stops other than the drums and the introduction, though with a very slight change D (xx0232@1)D (xx0232@1) U e|--------12-------| B|-15-15--15-------| G|-14-14--14-------| D|-----------------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| at 3:28 this slowly fades in Yannis D (xx0232@1)D (xx0232@1) U e|-----------------| B|-15-15--15-------| G|-14-14--14-------|(Palm Muted) D|-----------------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| (3:43) Jimmy e|--------------------------------| B|--------------------------------| G|------------------------5-7-5---| D|--7----7----7----7----7---------| A|----8----7----5----5------------| E|--------------------------------| (3:50) Yannis e|----------------------------------------| B|---------------------17171515-----------| G|--55-7-5---55---5------------17171414---| D|---------7----7---7---------------------| A|----------------------------------------| E|----------------------------------------| (3:57) once again only the introduction remains... D (xx0232@1)D (xx0232@1) U e|-----------------| B|-15-15--15-------| G|-14-14--14-------| D|-----------------| A|-----------------| E|-----------------| (4:00) OUTRO Jimmy e|-----------------------------------------| B|-----------------------------------------| G|-----------------------------------------| D|-7(x32)----------------------------------| A|---------8(x16)---7(x8)---5(x4)----------| E|----------------------------------5(x4)--| Yannis e|-----------------------------------------| B|-10(x32)---------------------------------| G|---------10(x16)--9(x8)---7(x4)----------| D|----------------------------------7(x4)--| A|-----------------------------------------| E|-----------------------------------------| This is a brilliant song to play, probably one of the best foals songs around (in my opinion) Tabs too difficult? Try these easy step-by-step video lessons and learn fast! UG plus: remove banner comments We did not receive enough feedback on this tab! 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