Dog Problems The Format

                        CDon't (x32010@1)you dare  Speak someone you don't know.
          CThey'll (x32010@1)feel it in the back of their throat.
   AmWe (x02210@1)know I can't construct a poem,

Cause words like girls get bored and run
           FC'est (133211@1)la vie, I say "I've got so many better things"
             GI've (320003@1)got nothing, you should see me,
    G (320003@1)         G (320003@1)      GI (320003@1)smoke myself to sleep.

                      CAnd (x32010@1)blame postmodern things I can't relate,

Like summer camp and coastal states.
       AmLike (x02210@1)alcohol and coffee beans.

Dance floors and magazines.
  FI (133211@1)think its safe to say I've only got myself to blame
                 GBut (320003@1)boys in swooping haircuts are bringing me down,

Taking pictures of themselves.

C (x32010@1) Am (x02210@1) F (133211@1) G (320003@1)             CAnd (x32010@1)so I walk the web in search of love,

But always seem to end up stuck.
       AmI'm (x02210@1)finding flaws in everyone.

I've reached the point where all I want,
       FIs (133211@1)to sleep around in hopes that I will catch back up.
           GWe (320003@1)are parallel lines we're running in circles,

We're never meant to cross.

           CI'm (x32010@1)at a loss, you were my tangerine,

My pussycat, my trampoline.
        AmNow (x02210@1)alls I get are wincing cheeks,

And dog problems, I signed a lease.
FThinking (133211@1)my heart belonged at 93rd and park.
              GInstead (320003@1)I broke a girl's heart,

And flew back to Phoenix to finish the year as it started.

            C (x32010@1)                                                     Am (x02210@1)                    FCan (133211@1)you hear me? Are you listening? This is the sound of my heart breaking.
        C (x32010@1)                                            Am (x02210@1)        F (133211@1)                CAnd (x32010@1)I hope it's entertaining, Cause for me it's a bitch. Was it worth it?
                                                           Am (x02210@1)                FWhen (133211@1)you slept with him? Did you get it all out of your system?

C (x32010@1)              Dm (xx0231@1)                 Em (022000@1)                      F (133211@1)                      GI (320003@1)am a man, Holding it all, I couldn't breath, Comming across, I didn't know
[ch]Am[/ch-----------------------------------------|                [ch]B[/ch]-Am-G-F-Em-Dm-C-Bb-Am-G
I couldn't give u------------uu--------------------|up

C (x32010@1)                                CB (x32010@1)is for believing you'd always be here for me.
AmE (x02210@1)is for everything, even when we see it though.
FC, (133211@1)c is for seeing through you, you are a fake, which brings me
GTo (320003@1)A because, because, you always run away.

        CI (x32010@1)never finish phrases, I misspell.

Open arms are prison cells.
  AmWhen (x02210@1)I said, "I hate what I've become"

I lied, I hated who I was.
   FSo (133211@1)when you start to wonder 'bout the pain in my throat,
                                                     C (x32010@1)  G (320003@1)    CThen (x32010@1)don't you ever, no never, ever, speak for someone you don't know.

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