C (x32010@1)          FAll (133211@1)over the World
(F)         Dm (xx0231@1)     Fpeople (133211@1)must meet and part:
(F)                  Gthere's (320003@1)someone like me
(G)       Cfeeling (x32010@1)a pain in their heart.

C (x32010@1)           FSome (133211@1)may meet again
(F)        Dm (xx0231@1)        Funder (133211@1)that same bright star,
(F)           Gif (320003@1)maybe some night
(G)           Cyou (x32010@1)come back from afar.
F (133211@1)             GWho (320003@1)cares if to-night
(G)          CI (x32010@1)don't know where you are?

F (133211@1)              C (x32010@1)   GAre (320003@1)you thinking of me now?
F (133211@1)            Dm (xx0231@1)name="chord_022100@1">E
Missing having me around?
Dm (xx0231@1)             Dm7
If you have for- gotten me,
(Dm7) E (022100@1)                      C (x32010@1)Gmy (320003@1)   World will come tumbling down.

C (x32010@1)          FAll (133211@1)over the World
(F)        Dm (xx0231@1)   Fothers (133211@1)are sad to-night.
(F)                  GThere's (320003@1)someone like me
(G)          C (x32010@1)          
watching the Sun's fading light.

C (x32010@1)          FAll (133211@1)over the sky
(F)          Dm (xx0231@1)      Fthere (133211@1)is the same warm glow.
(F)             GHere (320003@1)under that star
(G)         CI'm (x32010@1)wanting you to know,
F (133211@1)          Gwherever (320003@1)you are
(G)          Cthat (x32010@1)I still love you so.

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