• Song:

    The Creature From The Black Lagoon

  • Artist:

    Frankenstein Drag Queens From Planet 13

[Intro / Bridge]

	G -----------------|
	D -----------------|
	A -----------------|
	E -7---6---5---4---|


	G -------------|
	D -------------|
	A -------------|
	E -6-7-----6-7-|

	      MAIN PART	     Variation I     Variation II	Variation III
			        X 2              X 1                X 1
	G ------------------------|------------------|--------------|-----------------|
	D ------------------------|------------------|--------------|-----------------|
	A ------------------------|------------------|--------------|-----------------|
	E -0--0--0--0--2--2--2--2-|-7-7-6-7--7-7-6-7-|-7-7-6-6--4---|-7-7-6-6-5-5-4-4-| X 4

	Play the main part followed by variation I, then main part followed by variation I
	again, then the main part followed by variation II one time. Then play the
 	main part followed by variation III, which is played 4 times WITHOUT the main part.
	Just listen to the track and you'll get it.


	G ---------|
	D ---------|
	A ---------|
	E -7-7-6-7-|
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