Tuning: Standard Capo: 4 Chords (relative to capo): Fmaj7 103210 [ch]Gadd4[/ch] 33543x or Gmaj 32000x [ch]Cmaj [/ch] 032010 Chords (without capo): Amaj7 447654 [ch]G#min7[/ch] 464444 Emaj 022100 I think Gadd4 sounds better than Gmaj but less easy to play so adjust chords as desired. Fmaj7 One day we're gonna live in Paris [ch]Gadd4[/ch] I promise, I'm on it Fmaj7 When I'm bringing in the money [ch]Gadd4[/ch] I promise, I'm on it Fmaj7 I'm gonna take you out to club showcase We're gonna live it up [ch]Gadd4[/ch] I promise, just hold on a little more Fmaj7 And every night we'll watch the stars Cmaj They'll be out for us They'll be out for us Fmaj7 And every night, the city lights Cmaj They'll be out for us They'll be out for us Fmaj7 One day we're gonna live in Paris [ch]Gadd4[/ch] I promise, I'm on it Fmaj7 I'll find you that French boy, You'll find me that French girl [ch]Gadd4[/ch] I promise, I'm on it Fmaj7 So go and pack your bags, for the long haul We're gonna lose ourselves [ch]Gadd4[/ch] I promise, this time it's you and me for evermore Fmaj7 And every night we'll watch the stars Cmaj They'll be out for us They'll be out for us Fmaj7 And every night, the city lights Cmaj They'll be out for us They'll be out for us Fmaj7 And every night we'll watch the stars Cmaj They'll be out for us They'll be out for us Fmaj7 And every night, the city lights Cmaj They'll be out for us They'll be out for us Repeat Fmaj7- Cmaj- Fmaj7- Cmaj etc.