Date: Tue, 19 Dec 1995 23:32:36 -0500 (EST) From: david a piniella Subject: /g/g_love_and_special_sauce/coast_to_coast_motel_album.btab -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- "sweet sugar mama" main lick, vamp. variation fill G|-----2-2p0-----------------|----7-7p5-----------------|-------6-7-9-6----| D|------------2--0--2--0--2--|-----------7--5--7--5--7--|------7--------7--| A|--0------------------------|--5-----------------------|--5/7-------------| E|---------------------------|--------------------------|------------------| [ pretty simple, main lick throughout, with the variation being just the ] [ main vamp a fourth up. the fill is near the end of one or two of the ] [ verses, you can hear it clearly. slight swing, smooth and tight feel. ] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "leaving the city" main vamp bridge G|---------------------|------------------------------------------| D|----7-------7--5--7--|------------------------------------------| A|------7p5------------|--7-7-7-7-7-7--8-8-5-5-5-5-5-5-5-7-7-7-7--| E|--5-------5----------|------------------------------------------| [ main vamp throughout the song, with the bridge section played during ] [ the guitar's single chord strum before "yeah, i'm leaving the city" ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "nancy" main vamp breakdown transition to vamp G|----------------|--------------------------|-------------| D|----------------|----9-87--------9-77------|-------------| A|----77-----77---|---------5/9--------------|----77---77--| E|--5----5-5----5-|--7-----------7------5/7--|--5----5-----| [ the main vamp has a samba feel and can be played in the open position ] [ if you want the notes to ring, but i like the muted sound of the fifth ] [ position. the breakdown is short, but sweet --the transition back to ] [ the vamp is pretty smooth, and there are a few rests to watch out for. ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "kiss and tell" main vamp shift in solo section G|-----------------------------------------|-----------------------------| D|--5-------5--------5----------5---5------|-0-2-3-55555555---5--------5-| A|--------3---33-3--------0-2-3---5---55-5-|-----------------------------| E|-3-33-3----------3--33-3-----------------|----------------3---33-3-3---| [ the main vamp seems complicated, but it's just him walk/swinging the ] [ notes G C G D while playing off a pedal G (D string/5th fret) and a ] [ little walk on A to the D. the solo section is basically the same as ] [ the main vamp, except for this small piece which takes it back to the] [ vamp almost as soon as it walked away from it. ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "chains #3" main vamp fills/variations G|----------------|-----------------|-----------------| D|----------------|--------------1--|---5-------------| A|----5--------3--|----5----------3-|--------------3--| E|--3---33-1-1----|--3---33--1-1----|-3----55--1-1----| [ look simple? it is. use the fills/variations before the guitar solo ] [ after the "ain't no chains gonna hold me down..." vocal part. ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "sometimes" main vamp "sometimes..." G|---------------------|-----------------| D|------6-r-6--6-------|----6------------| A|------------8---8-6--|------8-6--------| E|--5-5----------------|--5-------8-6-5--| [ the r in the main vamp is a rest. the "sometimes..." part is a walk, ] [ follow the guitar's chords. ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "everybody" main vamp. G|--------------------------------------| D|-------------------5---5--------------| A|----3---33---3-1---------3---3---1----| E|--1---1----1-----3---3-----3---3---1--| [ it's basically a shuffle/walk through the notes F, G and C with a Bb ] [ every once in a while just for good measure. ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "soda pop" main vamp variation 1 variation 2 fill/transition G|---------------|----1-2----1-2--|----6-7----6-7--|-------------------| D|---------------|----------------|----------------|----------4-6-7-7--| A|----4-5---4-5--|----------------|--0------0------|----4-5-7----------| E|--5-----5------|--0------0------|----------------|--5----------------| [ bass is tacet at first, then kicks in with the vamp. it plays the ] [ variations at different points, you can hear the open strings buzz. ] [ the fill/transition is at the end, it's just a walk up and down. ] ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "bye bye baby" intro/verse 1st trombone solo horns solo key change G|------------|-------------------|-----------|--3----1--| D|------------|----2--------------|--3-----1--|----22----| A|----3----2--|------3-2-0--------|----22-----|----------| E|--0---00----|--0---------3-2-0--|-----------|----------| [the intro/verse is used after a few slides (while the guitar is strumming ] [the opening chord(s) and when the drums kick in. the 1st 'bone solo uses ] [this walk along an Em chord. there is a solo section where the 'bone, a ] [trumpet and a clarinet go off, there's a key change in there too. the ] [second trombone solo has no bass, so that's that. ] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "tomorrow night" verse vamp G|------------|--------2-4--|----4-2------| D|-(2)-(00)---|----2-4------|--------4----| A|----2-55-2--|--2(4)-------|--2-------2--| E|--0---------|-------------|-------------| [ the notes in parenthesis can be use in place of the ones that they're ] [ above. the first bar is the intro, and is used occasionally in other ] [ places. the other two bars go together and are used for much of the ] [ song, after the intro and almost all the way until the end. ] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "small fish" intro main vamp variation G|------------|----2p0-----44-5/--|----2p0-----44-4b--| D|------------|--------4-2--------|--------4p2--------| A|----5-7-7/--|-------------------|-------------------| E|--5---------|--0----------------|--0----------------| [ the intro is just accents on some chords the guitar plays, with a slide ] [ at the last one. the main vamp is used throughout, with the low E being ] [ help out throughout the measure. the variation is used sometimes, with ] [ the B being bent up to C sometimes, and sometimes slid up from C. ] +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "coming home" is just guitar, but if you want to play a thicker version live or something, the notes that you should walk are C, B, A, G, with G being the main note you should accent or use as a pedal tone. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- enjoy. -D. -- "negative d" and "-d." is david a. piniella, who speaks for himself. "Find myself singing the same songs every day/Ones that make me feel good when things behind a smile ain't OK." [Shannon Hoon/Blind Melon] "But I don't want to go among mad people," said Alice. "Oh you can't help that," replied the Cat. "We're all mad here." "There you go; stark raving sane." [Guildenstern]