Mad World

*Arranged for easy guitar duet by L.Hutchings

*Simple lil' piano song featured in the rather weird movie 'Donnie Darko'.
*Originally by Tears for Fears.
*Covered recently by Gary Jules/Michael Andrews

*The original is in F-minor, but to make it easier for beginners
*I have shifted it into E minor.

*This tune uses the Dorian mode to great affect. That is what
*gives it, its 'flavor' or 'mood' .
*A lot of (musical unknowledgable) people comment on how they love
*this song and they dont realise
*that the reason they like it, is coz of the mode.

*To save space etc, i've only included the strings that are actually used.

*I dont particularly care for the tune personally, but its for the benefit of those
*that do like it

Guitar 1:

Intro (piano tune)


(Singing tune Melody)


(you can also play it an octave higher (12 frets higher), to 'cut-through' more)

Guitar 2:

Intro backing chords ( - to be played along with Guitar 1 Intro)

*Note, its important to let the lowest notes 'ring-on' coz these are the
*bass notes, i have highlighted them with an up arrow (^)for extra clarity.

(E)1|-------------|----0------0--| (Repeat once then continue)
      ^     ^

Verse backing chords ( - to be played along with Guitar 1 Melody tune)

(E)1|-------------|------------|--------------|-------------|  Repeat
(B)2|----0-----0--|----3----3--|--------------|----5-----5--|  as
(G)3|----0-----0--|----4----4--|----2------2--|----6-----6--|  necessary
                                 ^     ^
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