Band:   Gatsbys American Dream
Song:   You Stole My Story
Album:  In the Land of Lost Monsters 
I download the CD from 
so I don't know if this is a remix or not.
KEY:                                                              |
x   = mute the string right after you play it, don't let it ring  |
X   = palm mute                                                   |
z/y = slide                                                       |
4b  = bend                                                        |
3~  = let it ring                                                 |
7*  = harmonic                                                    |

Rythm Guitar:
This is the main riff in the slower part of the song

There are two ways to play it, 
simple and uh.. not simple

   Not Simple                      Simple                        "Look at me when I talk to you"
e|                               | 0x0x0x0x 1x1x1x1x 0x0x0x0x 1~ my eyes can't bear the sight
B| 5x5x5x5x 6x6x6x6x 5x5x5x5x 6~ | 1x1x1x1x 1x1x1x1x 1x1x1x1x 1~ a white so brilliant, it pains my 
G| 5x5x5x5x 5x5x5x5x 5x5x5x5x 5~ |                               heart
D| 7x7x7x7x 7x7x7x7x 7x7x7x7x 7~ |           0~               0~ 
A| 0~       5~       0~       5~ | 0~                 0~          
E|                               |

 Second riff
  Not Simple                  Simple
e|                          | 0x0x 0x0x 0x0x 0x0x  But I can make you dissapear,
B| 5x5x 5x5x 5x5x 5x5x      | 1x1x 1x1x 1x1x 1x1x  I can make you dissapear,
G| 5x5x 5x5x 5x5x 5x5x (x3) | 2x2x 1x1x 0x0x 2x2x  I can make you dissapear
D| 7x7x 6x6x 5x5x 3x3x      | 2x2x 2x2x 2x2x 3x3x
A| 0~                       |
E|                          |

   If I try..    If I try hard enough
B|  5~                  5~     
G|  5~                  5~      
D|  2~                  4~     

  Lead Guitar (joins with drums)
the first guitar continues to play the first two riffs
B|                12*        4b 3~
G|        (7*)         1/2~ 
D|         0                 
A| 0~  3 5               0

  Keyboard parts:
e| 13 12      |      0                 0      0       0
B| maybe..    |   1     3 1         1     3 1       1   3 1
G|        14  | 2            2~   2              2          2 
D|            | 
A|            | 
E|            |         

Chorus: (I know it's not a chorus, but it's easier to call it one)       
 Lead Guitar
e|         X XX XXX                                      666666666666____
B|         X XX XXX                                      xxxxxxxxxxxx_____
G| 9~ 7 5  X XX XXX  5 55 5 55 7 5 7/9~    7 9    7 9    333333333333______
D|         X XX XXX  7 77               10     10
A|         X XX XXX  9 99
E|         X XX XXX
  Rythm Guitar
   F                 F#dim
e|                                                       6666666666666____ 
B|                                    8888 9999 10101010 xxxxxxxxxxxxx_____
G| 2 22    X XX XXX  2 22             xxxx xxxx x x x x  3333333333333______
D| 3 33    X XX XXX  4 44             5555 6666 7 7 7 7 
A| 3 33    X XX XXX  3 33           
E| 1 11    X XX XXX  2 22                 

One guitar (clean):

e| 55 575 587 557 55 555 555 555            
B| 55 555 555 555 66 666 666 666          
G| 55 555 555 555 55 555 555 555        
D| 55 555 555 555 00 000 000 000       
A| 00 000 000 000           
 Guitar solo: Distortion
e|      8         7       8         5          0~
B|                                             1~
G|    5    5   5    5   5    5    5   5        2~
D| 7         6        5         3        (x2)  3~

  Repeat  the chorus, and then 
e|      8         7       8     5~
B|                              5~
G|    5    5   5    5   5    5  5~
D| 7         6        5         3~
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