• Song:

    Cheese W Lyrics

  • Artist:

    George Inc

Title: Cheese
Written By: Goerge Inc

Play the following chords simultaneously in an awkward fashion, as it goes....
Any way all though you hav'nt heard this song and wont be able to play it to its potential, why not get one of George Inc's promotional CD's, just e-mail your name and address to george_inc1@hotmail.com

The chords you'll need to know are the following E, A, D which you should know.

Lyrics with chords.

Oh one morning, i woke up groaning, i know why and it made me cry (   Pause   )Cheese!
I went up stairs and started to stare, i asked my mum, why be so glum, go get me some cheese, She sent me to trevors, to go and get me some cheddar, he said *** off and go away, and by the way, johny said you are gay (   Pause   )
Cheese!      Oh please give me my cheese trevor i need my cheddar!

 (((on this part its best to get some retard to speak out cheese in the background)))
Any way i got my cheese by the end of the day, i ran down the streets, fire ran from my feet, i got home and i had my cheddar, i realised i did not like cheddar (   Pause   )
What Ever!

Play the chords as follows E E E E E A A A D D

Dont forget to hear this and many other songs by George Inc e-mail 
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