THIS SONG HAS BEEN TRANSPOSED INTO MANY KEYS AS LISTED BELOW I hope you enjoy my interpretation of this song ... Garry Smythe Please e mail me with any corrections or suggestions to:- ______________________________________________________________________________ DON?T LET THE SUN CATCH YOU CRYING ? GERRY & THE PACEMAKERS ______________________________________________________________________________ Gerry plays this in the key of C ______________________________________________________________________________ VERSE 1 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Don't Let the sun catch You Crying Cmaj7 Fmaj7 G The night's the time for your tears Am Em Your heart may be broken tonight Am Em But tomorrow in the morning light F G Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying VERSE 2 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 The night time shadows disap - pear Cmaj7 Fmaj7 G And with them go all your tears Am Em Oh the morning will bring joy Am Em To every girl and boy F G Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying BRIDGE G Am We know crying's not a bad thing Dm G But stop your crying when the birds sing VERSE 3 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Fmaj7 It may be hard to dis - cover Cmaj7 Fmaj7 G That you've been left for an - other Am Em But don?t for - get that love's a game Am Em And it can always come a - gain F G Cmaj7 Fmaj7 So Don't let the sun catch you crying Cmaj7 Fmaj7 Cmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying oh no no no no XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Don't Let the sun catch You Crying Dmaj7 Gmaj7 A The night's the time for your tears Bm F#m Your heart may be broken tonight Bm F#m But tomorrow in the morning light G A Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying VERSE 2 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 The night time shadows disap - pear Dmaj7 Gmaj7 A And with them go all your tears Bm F#m Oh the morning will bring joy Bm F#m To every girl and boy G A Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying BRIDGE A Bm We know crying's not a bad thing Em A But stop your crying when the birds sing VERSE 3 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 Gmaj7 It may be hard to dis - cover Dmaj7 Gmaj7 A That you've been left for an - other Bm F#m But don?t for - get that love's a game Bm F#m And it can always come a - gain G A Dmaj7 Gmaj7 So Don't let the sun catch you crying Dmaj7 Gmaj7 Dmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying oh no no no no XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 Emaj7 Amaj7 Emaj7 Amaj7 Don't Let the sun catch You Crying Emaj7 Amaj7 B The night's the time for your tears C#m G#m Your heart may be broken tonight C#m G#m But tomorrow in the morning light A B Emaj7 Amaj7 Emaj7 Amaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying VERSE 2 Emaj7 Amaj7 Emaj7 Amaj7 The night time shadows disap - pear Emaj7 Amaj7 B And with them go all your tears C#m G#m Oh the morning will bring joy C#m G#m To every girl and boy A B Emaj7 Amaj7 Emaj7 Amaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying BRIDGE B C#m We know crying's not a bad thing F#m B But stop your crying when the birds sing VERSE 3 Emaj7 Amaj7 Emaj7 Amaj7 It may be hard to dis - cover Emaj7 Amaj7 B That you've been left for an - other C#m G#m But don?t for - get that love's a game C#m G#m And it can always come a - gain A B Emaj7 Amaj7 So Don't let the sun catch you crying Emaj7 Amaj7 Emaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying oh no no no no XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Don't Let the sun catch You Crying Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 C The night's the time for your tears Dm Am Your heart may be broken tonight Dm Am But tomorrow in the morning light Bb C Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying VERSE 2 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 The night time shadows disap - pear Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 C And with them go all your tears Dm Am Oh the morning will bring joy Dm Am To every girl and boy Bb C Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying BRIDGE C Dm We know crying's not a bad thing Gm C But stop your crying when the birds sing VERSE 3 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 It may be hard to dis - cover Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 C That you've been left for an - other Dm Am But don?t for - get that love's a game Dm Am And it can always come a - gain Bb C Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 So Don't let the sun catch you crying Fmaj7 Bbmaj7 Fmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying oh no no no no XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Don't Let the sun catch You Crying Gmaj7 Cmaj7 D The night's the time for your tears Em Bm Your heart may be broken tonight Em Bm But tomorrow in the morning light C D Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying VERSE 2 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 The night time shadows disap - pear Gmaj7 Cmaj7 D And with them go all your tears Em Bm Oh the morning will bring joy Em Bm To every girl and boy C D Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying BRIDGE D Em We know crying's not a bad thing Am D But stop your crying when the birds sing VERSE 3 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Cmaj7 It may be hard to dis - cover Gmaj7 Cmaj7 D That you've been left for an - other Em Bm But don?t for - get that love's a game Em Bm And it can always come a - gain C D Gmaj7 Cmaj7 So Don't let the sun catch you crying Gmaj7 Cmaj7 Gmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying oh no no no no XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX VERSE 1 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Don't Let the sun catch You Crying Amaj7 Dmaj7 E The night's the time for your tears F#m C#m Your heart may be broken tonight F#m C#m But tomorrow in the morning light D E Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying VERSE 2 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 The night time shadows disap - pear Amaj7 Dmaj7 E And with them go all your tears F#m C#m Oh the morning will bring joy F#m C#m To every girl and boy D E Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying BRIDGE E F#m We know crying's not a bad thing Bm E But stop your crying when the birds sing VERSE 3 Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Dmaj7 It may be hard to dis - cover Amaj7 Dmaj7 E That you've been left for an - other F#m C#m But don?t for - get that love's a game F#m C#m And it can always come a - gain D E Amaj7 Dmaj7 So Don't let the sun catch you crying Amaj7 Dmaj7 Amaj7 Don't let the sun catch you crying oh no no no no XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX