from pix board

Alas Babylon
C/G: x32033

Intro/Verse: G C/G
Chorus: Am C D5 G Am C G Am C Am C D5 C

Wake up it's time to get out of bed. 
You've been sleeping for a year. 
Let's go to the postice office, 
We'll ride our bikes the weathers nice. 
Then we'll go to the library and we'll try to find a good movie. 
I need to make some copies too and I'd like it a lot if you came with me. 
Just don't ever try a stunt like that again. 
I don't ever want to lose my best friend. 
You can promise me that, I can promise too, 
That'll I'll never give up on you. 
You can draw on the tables while I make some lyrics sheets. 
We'll go shop lifting after that and try get something to eat. 
We can hang out in the park like we used to until it's dark. 
I'll ask you questions about everything 
And I'll know you'll always have the answers to me. 
Just don't ever try a stunt like that again. 
I don't ever want to lose my best friend. 
You can promise me that, I can promise too, 
That'll I'll never give up on you. 
Our darkest hours have came and went now it's all down hill from here. 
We've learned a lot and we're growing wise we fucked up and I apologize. 
I think now we have the needs to see our plans come true. 
I know I can do anything now but I really don't wanna do it without you. 
Don't ever try a stunt like that again. 
I don't ever want to lose my best friend. 
You can promise me that, I can promise too, 
That'll I'll never give up on you, 
I'll never give up on you, 
I'll never give up on you, 
I'll never give up on you.
                                                        Can't play "Alas Babylon"? Improve your playing via easy step-by-step video lessons!
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            var acc_tuning           = "E A (x02220@1)name="chord_xx0232@1">D G (320003@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B E";
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