D (xx0232@1)                   A (x02220@1)                  Bm (x24432@1)              Gwhen (320003@1)you're deep in a dark dungeon and the cleric's down and dying
D (xx0232@1)                      A (x02220@1)             Gand (320003@1)you've taken all the potions you had left

        D (xx0232@1)               A (x02220@1)                Bm (x24432@1)          Gand (320003@1)you feel like you are doomed because the demon you set loose
          D (xx0232@1)           A (x02220@1)               Gis (320003@1)coming after you and you can smell its breath.

        A (x02220@1)                               Bmand (x24432@1)the door between you and it is pretty thin.
        A (x02220@1)                  Bmand (x24432@1)the wizard is all out of spells.
    G (320003@1)                          Dthe (xx0232@1)fighters took a few too many hits.
     G (320003@1)                                Athis (x02220@1)thing, it came from hell, it seems like it can't be killed.

D (xx0232@1)   A (x02220@1)  Gdon't (320003@1)ever give up! 
        Bm (x24432@1)                     Anot (x02220@1)all fights are won by skill, some are won by luck.

D (xx0232@1)   A (x02220@1)  Gdon't (320003@1)ever give in!
       Bm (x24432@1)                          Ayou've (x02220@1)gotta keep trying until you lose or you win.

D (xx0232@1)        A (x02220@1)              Bm (x24432@1)    Gcross (320003@1)your fingers roll the die-------.
D (xx0232@1)       A (x02220@1)          Gwait (320003@1)with hope for the big two-oh.
D (xx0232@1)        A (x02220@1)              Bm (x24432@1)    Gcross (320003@1)your fingers roll the die-------.

       D (xx0232@1)        A (x02220@1)        Glet (320003@1)it go. let it go. let it go.
       D (xx0232@1)          A (x02220@1)          Dlet (xx0232@1)it roll. let it roll. let it roll.

F#m (244222@1)              Gdon't (320003@1)give up yet, no, don't ever quit.
F#m (244222@1)              Gthere's (320003@1)always a chance of a critical hit.

D (xx0232@1)A (x02220@1)G-----------of (320003@1)a critical hit
D (xx0232@1)A (x02220@1)G--------------------------- (320003@1)
    A (x02220@1)                               Gthe (320003@1)biggest baddest beasts could have easily been beat
     D (xx0232@1) A (x02220@1)   Gwith (320003@1)one lucky shot.
A (x02220@1)                   G (320003@1)dragons have fell and kingdoms have been saved by
D (xx0232@1)           A (x02220@1)          Gpeople (320003@1)giving everything they've got,
G (320003@1)           A (x02220@1)        Dby (xx0232@1)people who never gave up.
D (xx0232@1)           A (x02220@1)          Gby (320003@1)people who know just to let the dice roll 
G (320003@1)     A (x02220@1)        Dand (xx0232@1)see what comes up.
D (xx0232@1)                       
no we should never ever give up. 

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