• Song:

    Cry Baby

  • Artist:

    Gino Vannelli

  • Album:

    Slow Love

                            CRY BABY

small case letters above chord symbols 
indicate individual notes:
c4: middle C, and notes above in that octave...
c5: C above middle C
c3: C below middle C  etc.
numbers behind notes will only be indicated 
when notes enter another octave or begin a new line

guitar harmonics:

c5  g4  f#   db  C.............

C13-9-5      F6 (15xxxx@1)                  A (x02220@1)   A7+5 (x03021@1) A7 (x02020@1)    Cry     baby shed a thousand tears

                e4  fdb+5/Eb (133111@1) Dm9   
Cry     baby  

                                 g4   f (133111@1)   e (022000@1)       f (133111@1)F7sus4/C              Bm7-5      Em/BBm7-5 (012000@1)Aadd9/B  Bm7-5
         'til all the dry  land dis   a (x02210@1)   pe       ears

Fmaj7sus4/Bb  Bb (x1333x@1)             Badd9+5             B6/9
                 You can sugar-coat the truth

Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) C/E (x3111x@5)         Dm (xx0231@1)       db/B   D/B (x20232@1)  With all sweetness and light

Bb (x1333x@1)                  E7/B   Bdim (1201xx@1)   You can beg me for mercy

Am/C (032210@1)F/C (133211@1)             D7-9+5   D7-9 (x5454x@1)         But pardon my spite

G7-5   Eb+5  Eb+5/db              Bb/C         B+5/C        
Cry                it's your turn tonight

bb4                                    c#5  C (x32010@1)       
C13-9/e      F6 (15xxxx@1)             A7-9 (5453xx@1)        A7+9+5  Gb/Eb                 
         Cry baby for all the good times we had

     Dm9 (xx0210@1) Cm7sus4        
Cry  baby 
                             g4    f (133111@1)    e (022000@1)        f (133111@1)        Bm7-5               Em/B (012000@1)Bm7-5  Aadd9/B   Bm7-5   
 no the good   don't out    shine   the      bad      

Fmaj7sus4/Bb  Bb (x1333x@1)                       Badd9+5     B6/9 
                  You can grease me with kisses

f (133111@1)          C/E (x3111x@5)         Dm (xx0231@1)     F9/C
   'Til your red lips turn blue     ooo  oo   

Bbmaj7 (x13231@1)        E/B (443121@4)    Bdim (1201xx@1)   Offer me af fection

        F/C (133211@1)         D7+5-9    Ab7-9but (4342xx@1)what good would it do

                                g4      Gb (244322@1)   fG7-5 (133111@1)  B+5/db         Bb/C      B+5/Bb  F#m/B  Bb9 (x1011x@1)  
Cry   (cry)    like I cried for yoo     oo     oou

             E7/B           F9/C
I'm tired of making love to gether

Bb9 (x1011x@1)            Eb13 (x21224@5)          A/F (102220@1)      F6 (15xxxx@1)    When you're apt to forget my given name
F#m/B  Bbm7 (x13121@1)           Bbm+5     Bbm6 (x13023@1)
         It's over it's finished  
                       ab4  ab (133111@4)     G (320003@1)            Am (x02210@1)     Fm/D  E/Db (042100@1) Eb/db       
 and what's better  ( ooo   ooo   oooo )

                        Gm7-5   C7-9+5
I am completely without pain

                e4   f (133111@1)  GC13-9 (320003@1)  Fmaj7 (1x3210@1) A/F (102220@1)Dm/f C/F (x4111x@5)       
Cry     baby                  

        A7+9+5     -9   +9
 like a cloudburst in   the sky

db+5/Eb  Dm9   F7sus4/C 
Cry      baby         

      Bm7-5         Em/B (012000@1)Bm7-5  Aadd9/B  Bm7-5
in oth    er   words good        bye

Fmaj7sus4/Bb  Bb (x1333x@1)                     Badd9+5        B6/9
                 You can try to move amountain (x02210@1)
                               d4   Eb (x43121@3)  f (133111@1)name="chord_133111@1">f             C/E (x3111x@5)    Dm (xx0231@1)   F7sus4/C    Bb (x1333x@1)  Attempt to calm the sea    oo   oo    ooo

                     E/BYou'd (443121@4)sooner raise a dead man

        Am/C (032210@1)F/C (133211@1)      D7-9+5  D7-9Than (x5454x@1)my deep      sympathy........y

G7-5   B+5/db          Bb/C                     
Cry          it don't matter to me.....

                    B+5/db  F#m/B  Bb9 (x1011x@1)                           ee     eee   
( It don't matter to me )
guitar solo

                 piano:   a3 Bb (x1333x@1)name="chord_x2444x@1">B c4  eb4 
|Bb9        E7/B      |F9          
 1     2    3     4    1     2     3     4 

|Bb9        Eb13 (x21224@5)    |A/F         F6 (15xxxx@1)F#m/B| 
 1     2    3     4    1      2     3      4

Bbm7 (x13121@1)    Bbm+5     Bbm6 (x13023@1)  
     It's over it's finished     

            Am (x02210@1)           Fm/D  E/Db (042100@1)Eb/db
 and what's better oo  oo  ooo   ooo   ahhh
                        Gm7-5    C7-9+5
I am completely without pain

piano solo:
|Fmaj7      |A7+9+5       |Dm9   F7sus4/C |Bm7-5          | 
                      Cry baby              oooh   goodbye

Fmaj7sus4/Bb  Bb (x1333x@1)                     Badd9+5      B6/9
                 You can try to move amountain (x02210@1)
   f (133111@1)              C/E (x3111x@5)    Dm (xx0231@1)  F7sus4/C Bbmaj7 (x13231@1)        Attempt to calm the sea   ooo  ooo ooo

                     E7/B     BdimYou'd (1201xx@1)sooner raise a dead man

        Am/C (032210@1)F/C (133211@1)       D7-9+5        
Than my deep       sympathy.............y

D7-9-5  B+5/db            Bb/C
Oh      Cry it just don't matter to me

               a4      Bb (x1333x@1)   G (320003@1)    A (x02220@1)  f (133111@1)  
              db+5/Eb  D7-9+5 B+5/db A/C (032220@1)Eb9Bb9/D (x2122x@5)  Bb9I (x1011x@1)want you to cry      cry    cry    cry  cry

              db+5/Eb  D7-9+5 B+5/db A/C (032220@1)Eb9 (x2122x@5)Bb9/D   Bb9I (x1011x@1)want you to cry      cry    cry    cry  cry

                c5           bb4    G (320003@1)    c4    
               Dbmaj7+5/Eb  D7-9+5  B+5/db Bb+5/C 
I want you to cry           cry     cry    cry  

   f (133111@1)    e (022000@1)      Eb (x43121@3)    D (xx0232@1)  B-5/f  Bb-5/e   A-5/Eb  ab-5/D
   oo     oo       oo      oooooo

             c5    bb4  ab (133111@4)  G (320003@1)  f (133111@1)    f# (244222@1)   G (320003@1)    ab (133111@4)           F/E (xx2211@1)  D+5 (x5433x@1)C+5 (x3211x@1) B+5  F7 (131241@1)   F#7 (242352@1)  G7 (320001@1)   Ab7 (xx1112@1)   
Cry baby    cry   cry   cry   cry  ooo    oooo   ooooo  oooooo

c5    b4     Bb (x1333x@1) A (x02220@1)                
A7+9  Ab7+9  G7+9 Gb7+9            
Cry   cry    cry  cry     

   A (x02220@1)     ab (133111@4) G (320003@1)    f (133111@1) 
   F7 (131241@1)    E7 (020130@1) B+5/db C7sus4 (x3331x@1)A+7/B
( oooo     oo   oo     oo )     cry 

f5    Eb (x43121@3) Eb (x43121@3)  db     f4       Gb (244322@1)G (320003@1)   ab (133111@4)name="chord_101011@1">F9    Eb9 (x2122x@5)Ab9 (x3434x@1) Gb9 (xx2122@1)  F7 (131241@1)     Gb7 (242352@1)name="chord_320001@1">G7    Ab7 (xx1112@1)cry   cry  cry   cry    oooo     ooo  oo   ooooo
baby                    cry...   yaaa!..................

a4       Bb (x1333x@1)   G (320003@1)    A (x02220@1)  f (133111@1)  
db+5/Eb  D7-9+5 B+5/db A/C  Eb9 Bb9/D   Bb9..fade
cry      cry    cry    cry  cry

transcription and chart by Peter Kruger casparus50@yahoo.ca

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