LOVE IS A NIGHT b4 d5 d (xx0231@1)d (xx0231@1) c# (x13321@4) d (xx0231@1) d (xx0231@1) b4 Emaj9 (021102@1) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) F#m9 (242224@1) F13add9 F9-5 Emaj9 (021102@1) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) Hangin' out in New Orleans F#m9 (242224@1) F13add9 F9-5 Diggin' on the bourbon scenes c#5 c (x3101x@1) b3... Emaj9 (021102@1) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) A/D (x00220@1) Ab/Db G/C.... Just feelin' the vibes of the oncoming days Emaj9 (021102@1) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) There ain't no Texan chaparral F#m9 (242224@1) F13add9 F9-5 To hide away all those southern belles G#m9 (131113@4) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) Dmaj7 (xx0222@1) Fmaj7/Bb Gmaj7/c Just thinking about that Georgian gal conjures a cra-a ya -a -aze C#m7-5 C7Love (x32310@1)is a night A/B (002520@1) Am7Who (x02010@1)really cares if it's wrong or it's right E/G# All That I care g# (133111@4) g (355333@1) G9 (x2323x@1) F#/g# C#7-9 (x4343x@1) F#m9 (242224@1) B7+5/F You've been some life and love I could share Emaj9 (021102@1) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) Got a thing in Tennessee F#m9 (242224@1) F13add9 F9-5 She ain't about to marry me Emaj9 (021102@1) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) A/d Ab/Db G/C (2431xx@7) There's never been a time she says yes and means no Emaj9 (021102@1) F#maj9 Gmaj9 (32423x@1) I had acase (x02210@1)in Caro line F#m9 (242224@1) F13add9 F9-5 From makin' love on rose wine G#m9 (131113@4) Gmaj9 (32423x@1) A/D (x00220@1) Fmaj7/Bb Gmaj7/c It's strange how they come and they go- oh- ohhh C#m7-5 C7Love (x32310@1)is a night A/B (002520@1) Am7Who (x02010@1)really cares if it's wrong or it's right E/G# (143121@4) G9And (x2323x@1)all that I know F#/g# C#7-9You've (x4343x@1)been some life and love on the road b4 b (x24432@1)name="chord_x24432@1">b A (x02220@1)A.......... b (x24432@1) b................. (x24432@1)F#m11 Em11 F#m11 c5 c c c c c c c ...........b4 b..................... Gm11 C7-9+5 Fmaj9 (103010@1) F#m11 d5 b4 c5 d (xx0231@1)name="chord_1x1233@1">F13 F13-5 F7 (131241@1) F13 (1x1233@1) f2 c (x3101x@1) a1 f1 bb4 b (x24432@1) c#5 d (xx0231@1) d# (xx4342@1) e (022000@1) F (133211@1) F#Emaj7-5 (244322@1) Emaj7 (021100@1) Gmaj7-5 Gmaj7 (xx5432@1) F#6 (2x4342@1) F#7 (242352@1) B7-5 (x2324x@1) B7 (x21202@1) |Emaj9 | Gmaj9 (32423x@1) | F#m9 (242224@1) | F13add9 F9-5| c#5 c (x3101x@1) b4 |Emaj9 | Gmaj9 (32423x@1) | A/D (x00220@1) Ab/Db | G/C............. g#4 A (x02220@1)b.......... d5 b4 d4 b...... |Emaj9 | Gmaj9 (32423x@1) | F#m9 (242224@1) | F13add9 F9-5| bb4 b (x24432@1) d5 e (022000@1) F# (244322@1) e (022000@1)d (xx0231@1) e (022000@1) c# (x13321@4) a4 b| (x24432@1)G#m9 (131113@4) |Gmaj9 |A/D Fmaj7/Bb| Gmaj7/c C#m7-5 C7Love (x32310@1)is a night A/B (002520@1) Am7I (x02010@1)only know the moment is right E/G# (143121@4) G9As (x2323x@1)for the ladies I've known F#/g# C#7-9They (x4343x@1)mean so much when you're all alone c#5 c# (x13321@4) c#....................... (x13321@4)d5 b4 c5 dF#m11 (xx0231@1) F13 (1x1233@1) F13-5 F7 (131241@1) F13 (1x1233@1) f2 c (x3101x@1) a1 f1 a#4 b (x24432@1) c#5 d (xx0231@1) d# (xx4342@1) e (022000@1) F (133211@1) F#Emaj7-5 (244322@1) Emaj7 (021100@1) Gmaj7-5 Gmaj7 (xx5432@1) F#6 (2x4342@1) F#7 (242352@1) B7-5 (x2324x@1) B7 (x21202@1) a#4................................................ Emaj7-5....................................