Alright, there are tabs for this around, but they're all for open G tuning, so 
here are the chords if you can't be bothered to re-tune your guitar. Gorgeous song, enjoy!

G (320003@1)       Em (022000@1)   C (x32010@1)    Cadd9You (x32030@1)were spoken for
          G (320003@1)   Em (022000@1)              C (x32010@1)    Cadd9 (x32030@1)I spent twenty lifetimes at your door
          G (320003@1)          DBut (xx0232@1)your heart was busy within
          Em (022000@1)          C (x32010@1)       Cadd9Building (x32030@1)bomb shelters under your skin
             G (320003@1)    Em (022000@1)     CThat's (x32010@1)the shape I found you in
            Em (022000@1)     D (xx0232@1)     GThat's (320003@1)the shape I found you in

G (320003@1)    Em (022000@1)       C (x32010@1)    Cadd9I (x32030@1)was calling to you
        G (320003@1)         Em (022000@1)       C (x32010@1)     Cadd9It (x32030@1)was one thing I knew how to do
         G (320003@1)      DBut (xx0232@1)my heart tried to cheat
          Em (022000@1)        C (x32010@1)     Cadd9Building (x32030@1)safety nets under my feet
         G (320003@1)          Em (022000@1)      CSo (x32010@1)if I fell I would fall right in
            Em (022000@1)     D (xx0232@1)     GThat's (320003@1)the shape I found you in

G (320003@1)        Em (022000@1)      C (x32010@1)    Cadd9You (x32030@1)were delivered to me
          G (320003@1)           Em (022000@1)               C (x32010@1)   Cadd9We (x32030@1)were closed as the stores on Christmas eve
      G (320003@1)        D (xx0232@1) 
So I felt around in the dark
          Em (022000@1)         C (x32010@1)      Cadd9Building (x32030@1)rope ladders into your heart
          G (320003@1)       Em (022000@1)       CClimbing (x32010@1)hand over hand to get in
            Em (022000@1)     D (xx0232@1)     C (x32010@1)That's the shape I found you in
            Em (022000@1)     D (xx0232@1)     GThat's (320003@1)the shape I found you in

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