• Song:

    Heart Attack

  • Artist:


Givegoods - heart attack
Tab by Christian Schlachter (C_Schlachter@web.de)
You can download the song and some other Givegoods numbers in the internet.

C (x32010@1)              EAlone (022100@1)and out of ?????
       Am (x02210@1)        Gon (320003@1)the head of the dark
E (022100@1)                FI (133211@1)know what I did, don?t know why I did it wrong
C (x32010@1)        E (022100@1)                 Am (x02210@1)  G (320003@1)                                    got on the 
track, of the right darling,
      E (022100@1)             F (133211@1)                  C, E, Amif (x02210@1)I pay for all that I come for tomorrow,
                   F (133211@1)        G# (xx1114@1)    C (x32010@1)                  AmI (x02210@1)need some space, somewhere, where, where, somewhere, can lay the ground
        Fm (133111@1)  G (320003@1)C (x32010@1)             Fm (133111@1) G (320003@1) Cfor (x32010@1)the heart to attack, for the heart to attack,

I saw you can eat flesh, yeah I have my filth, still plenty of fish in the sea it?s okay,
I ??? in the evening made it down, I leave you the rest cause me and my ???


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