EveryThing Is Beautiful When You Don't Look Down > = this means its 1 in the morning, i had a long day and im to tired to count how many times you hit it but the notes right. Note: if what i said in the sentence above make no sense dont worry im half asleep anyways.lol. Intro 2x G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| D|0-7-5-7-9-| Chorus 2x G|------------------------| D|------------------------| A|------------------------| D|0>-3>-7>-5>-7>-9>-5>-3>-| verse 2x G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| D|0-7-5-7-9-| Chorus 2x G|------------------------| D|------------------------| A|------------------------| D|0>-3>-7>-5>-7>-9>-5>-3>-| verse 2x G|----------| D|----------| A|----------| D|0-7-5-7-9-| Chorus 2x G|------------------------| D|------------------------| A|------------------------| D|0>-3>-7>-5>-7>-9>-5>-3>-| Bridge 2x G|------------| D|------------| A|------------| D|-3>-7>-5>-9>| Chorus 4x G|------------------------| D|------------------------| A|------------------------| D|0>-3>-7>-5>-7>-9>-5>-3>-|