This song is on piano but i figured out on guitar its easy.

Lead throughout the whole song

       C (x32010@1)       F (133211@1)       Am (x02210@1)       Ge|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| (320003@1)B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------|

C F Am G

              C (x32010@1)        FYou (133211@1)don't have to be so scared
              Am (x02210@1)       GYou (320003@1)don't have to leave tonight
           C (x32010@1)          F (133211@1)   
I just need to hold on tight
                   Am (x02210@1)        GFor (320003@1)one hell of a ride
           C (x32010@1)            FAnd (133211@1)we lost it all just now
             Am (x02210@1)             GTo (320003@1)the nights that left you out
            C (x32010@1)       FSo (133211@1)we'll let this go somehow
                      Am (x02210@1)    GBut (320003@1)you're gonna be proud     so proud
                     CAnd (x32010@1)I just needed you to pick me up
          FLike (133211@1)you did when we were younger
          AmWhen (x02210@1)the lightning and the thunder
        GHad (320003@1)me clinging to your heart
For someone
CTo (x32010@1)lift me up
          FWhen (133211@1)I'm down and I'm forgotten
       AmYou'll (x02210@1)forever be my father
            GAnd (320003@1)I'll be saving tears in jars for this one

C F Am G

        C (x32010@1)             FHow (133211@1)can I fit all these words
     Am (x02210@1)          GInto (320003@1)such a simple verse
         C (x32010@1)                  FIt's (133211@1)the last time that we'll speak
             C (x32010@1)GSo (320003@1)listen to me please
                   CAnd (x32010@1)I just needed you to pick me up
          FLike (133211@1)you did when we were younger
          AmWhen (x02210@1)the lightning and the thunder
        GHad (320003@1)me clinging to your heart
For someone
CTo (x32010@1)lift me up
          FWhen (133211@1)I'm down and I'm forgotten
       AmYou'll (x02210@1)forever be my father
            GI'll (320003@1)be saving tears in jars for this one

C F Am G
                  C (x32010@1)               F (133211@1)        Am (x02210@1)    G (320003@1)
And I just needed you to pick me up Whoa oh oh oh oh oh   (2x)
                   CAnd (x32010@1)I just needed you to pick me up
          FLike (133211@1)you did when we were younger
          AmWhen (x02210@1)the lightning and the thunder
        GHad (320003@1)me clinging to your heart
For someone
CTo (x32010@1)lift me up
          FWhen (133211@1)I'm down and I'm forgotten
       AmYou'll (x02210@1)forever be my father
            GI'll (320003@1)be saving tears in jars for this one
        C (x32010@1)                 FDid (133211@1)you know that you're my heart
                Am (x02210@1)     GAnd (320003@1)it hurts to be apart
         C (x32010@1)             FAnd (133211@1)this cut it hurts so deep 
              Am (x02210@1)    G (320003@1)    CSo (x32010@1)sing me to sleep 

tabbed by playluis

for suggestion or correction email me at

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