#----------------------------------PLEASE NOTE---------------------------------# #This file is the author's own work and represents their interpretation of the # #song. You may only use this file for private study, scholarship, or research. # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------# # From philc@writeme.com Thu May 8 10:13:06 1997 Date: Mon, 24 Mar 1997 11:04:01 +0100 (MET) From: Phil COVALTo: guitar@olga.net, gallepe@siera.ups-tlse.fr, dego@infonie.fr, murthauz@polux.freenix.fr, Filip.Nilsson@mailbox.swipnet.se, lpawell@cadrus.fr, si3g27@cict.fr, mbcx6cjy@mail2.mcc.ac.uk, rahmani@iut-blagnac.fr, fr.rec.musiques@nic.funet.fi, alt.guitar.tab@nic.funet.fi, fr.rec.musiques@nic.funet.fi Subject: TAB: g/godflesh/for_those_about_to_rock.tab Godflesh CIB#5 FOR THOSE ABOUT TO ROCK by PhiL "RzR" COVAL ======================= Main Riff: e||--------------------------|| b||--------------------------|| g||--------------------------|| D||--4----4----------2-------|| A||--2----0----------2-------|| E||------------3--2--0-------|| [INTRO] Riff x 2 lite distorded Riff x 2 hi distorded ...break Riff x 6 hi distorded [VERSE_1] [CHORUS] [VERSE_2] (2:05) [CHORUS] [INTERLUDE] (3:17) w/ feedback [VERSE_3] (3:56) [CHORUS] --[NoTeS]-- Credits : Phil "RzR" COVAL (March 1997) E MailTo:philc@writeme.com Http://www.mygale.org/05/rzr "For those about to Rock", originally written and played by AC/DC (from the album of the same name) is covered by Godflesh on the ExellenT cleopatra compilation : "Covered in Black : an industrial tribute to the kings of high voltage Ac/Dc" ...godflesh removed the lead guitar stuff and made the bassline very LOUD and a little slower ...very interressing style even. enugh said ...grap your axe NOW ! --RzR XxXXxXXXXxXXXxXXxXXxXXXxXXxXXxXXxXxXXxXXXxXXxXxxXxxXxXXXxXxXXXxXxxXXXxxX X -==PhILiPpE CoVaL==- Http://www.mygale.org/05/rzr IRC: RzR x x (Internet Graphic Programming Services) MailTo:philc@writeme.com X X "I've been turned into a robot ...and I didn't even Know it ?!?" x XxxxXxXxXxXxxXxxXxXxXxxXXxXXXxXxXXXxXxxXXXXXxXxxxXxXXxXxxXXXXxxxXXXxXXxX PS: Yahoo, altavista ...what a confusion : Http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/4274/hitseek.htm