most of this is the original
by the beatels but the intro is 
different for god head so ive done it that way

distorition through out song

Em7            Em6 (022020@1)        Emaug (022000@1)          Em (022000@1)
Em7            Em6 (022020@1)        Emaug (022000@1)          Em (022000@1)

EmElaenor (022000@1)rigby,
                                                     Cpicks (x32010@1)up the rice in the church where a weadding has been,
              Emlives (022000@1)in a dream.____

waits at the window,
wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door

Em7            Em6 (022020@1)         Emaug (022000@1)          Em (022000@1)     
all the lonely people, where do they all come from?  
Em7            Em6 (022020@1)         Emaug (022000@1)    Em (022000@1)    
all the lonely people, wher do they all belong?    

Emfather (022000@1)mckenzie,
                                              Cwriting (x32010@1)the words of seramon that no-one will hear
             Emno (022000@1)one comes near.

look at him working,
                                                  Cdarning (x32010@1)his socks in the night when theres nobody there,
             Em (022000@1)what does he care

after chorus play

C (x32010@1)                       EmI, (022000@1)look at all the lonely people!
C (x32010@1)                       Em (022000@1)I, look at all the lonely people! 

Emeleanor (022000@1)rigby
                                                 Cdied (x32010@1)in the church and was buried along with her name,
        Emnobody (022000@1)came.

father mckenzie
                                                     Cwipeing (x32010@1)the dirt from his hands as he walks from the grave,
           Emno-one (022000@1)was saved.



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