There is already a really good tab for this! but its not quite right
and i'm picky! this is one of my fave bands and songs by them! so they
deserve it! - Joe Martini

Chords used:

Em7sus4  12 12 12 12 12 12
F#m7     9  10 9  11 9  9
E6       9  9  9  9  7  7
D        5  7  7  7  5  5
C#m      4  5  6  6  4  4
Bm       2  3  4  4  2  2
A6       2  2  2  2  0  0

This song has one main riff really but just keeps varying the
speed and bars used for!


Keep hitting


then into main riff tho struck once on each for now

F#m7      E6       D

F#m7      E6       D


F#m7                      E6                D

You can go and eat your chinese food over Drunken fools singing 80's tunes

F#m7                      E6                D(play cont.)

They'll be singing out of tune saying Get the foreigners out of my area

F#m7                      E6                D

A skinhead in a burberry coat This is not the sort of place you want to take your kids to

F#m7                      E6                D

Fifty pound shops, And nothing left to inspire me in


F#m7 E6 D
Mor - den

Verse: (the same as before)

Starring at the government not noticing the queen, A wilkinson's and a kfc

Is this everything you need for a cultured city?,Or is this everything you need to 

You don't get this in the country side, A teenager coming at you with a knife
Oh but you do

There must be something wrong with our society or is it


F#m7 E6 D
Mor - den


Havent worked it out yet but gimme time.......
same chords by Rhys anyways.


I read the news today, A youth killed himself in a horrible way

He hung himself, From the local supermarket car park

Walking down canon hill lane, I saw the flowers lay where a car crash took place

A drug dealer crashed into a chicane,It sort of sums up my area in


F#m7 E6 D
Mor - den

Outro: slwoing in pace

C#m  Bm  A6 let ring......

Yeah thats it sorry if its shit!? well so am i tbh
but sounds okish... if you want to kill me tho for crucifyin such a good
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