G7 (320001@1)   C (x32010@1)                      E7/Ab
Is a rich man worth more than a poor man?
   Am (x02210@1)                       FA (133211@1)stranger worth less than a friend?
      Bdim7                  C#dim7
Is a baby worth more than an old man?
        F (133211@1)                       GYour (320003@1)beginning worth more than your end?

C (x32010@1)                            E7/Ab
Is a president worth more than his assassin?
           Am (x02210@1)                      FDoes (133211@1)your value decrease with your crime?
          Bdim7                      C#dim7
Like when Christ took the place of Barabbas
          F (133211@1)                   GWould (320003@1)you say he was wasting his time?

F (133211@1)                           C (x32010@1)      AmWell, (x02210@1)how much do you think you are worth, boy?
     Dm (xx0231@1)                 GWill (320003@1)anyone stand up and say?
           F (133211@1)          G (320003@1)           C (x32010@1)  AmWould (x02210@1)you say that a man is worth nothing
       F (133211@1)                   GUntil (320003@1)someone is willing to pay?

G7 (320001@1)   C (x32010@1)                      E7/Ab
I suppose that you think you matter
   Am (x02210@1)                       FWell, (133211@1)how much do you matter to whom?
      Bdim7                  C#dim7
It's much easier at night when with friends and bright lights 
        F (133211@1)                       GThan (320003@1)much later alone in your room

G7 (320001@1)   C (x32010@1)                      E7/Ab
Do you think they'll miss one in a billion
   Am (x02210@1)                       FWhen (133211@1)you finish this old human race?
      Bdim7                  C#dim7
Does it really make much of a difference
        F (133211@1)                       GWhen (320003@1)your friends have forgotten your face?

G7 (320001@1)   C (x32010@1)                      E7/Ab
If you heard that your life had been valued
   Am (x02210@1)                       FThat (133211@1)a price had been paid on the nail
      Bdim7                  C#dim7
Would you ask what was traded, 
        FHow (133211@1)much and who paid it
                         GWho (320003@1)was He and what was His name?

G7 (320001@1)   C (x32010@1)                      E7/Ab
If you heard that His name was called Jesus
   Am (x02210@1)                       FWould (133211@1)you say that the price was too dear?
      Bdim7                  C#dim7
Held to the cross not by nails but by love
        F (133211@1)                       GIt (320003@1)was you broke His heart, not the spear!
      G#dim7                         AmWould (x02210@1)you say you are worth what it cost Him?
         F (133211@1)                          GYou (320003@1)say 'no', but the price stays the same.
       F (133211@1)                         Fmaj7If (1x3210@1)it don't make you cry, laugh it off, pass Him by,
           F6 (15xxxx@1)                     Fmaj7But (1x3210@1)just remember the day when you throw it away
         F (133211@1)           G (320003@1)             CThat (x32010@1)He paid what He thought you were worth.

Em (022000@1)  F (133211@1) C (x32010@1)F (133211@1)                           C (x32010@1)      AmHow (x02210@1)much do you think He is worth, boy?
     Dm (xx0231@1)                 GWill (320003@1)anyone stand up and say?
         F (133211@1)            G (320003@1)       C (x32010@1)     AmTell (x02210@1)me, what are you willing to give Him
      F (133211@1)                          GIn (320003@1)return for the price that He paid?

F (133211@1)G (320003@1)C (x32010@1)Am (x02210@1)F (133211@1)G (320003@1)C
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