• Song:

    Alien Assualt

  • Artist:

    Gypsy Juvenile


that is the bands myspace and you should add them

This is my first tab ever and this is how i think the song is played. im pretty sure its 
correct. if you got any questions email me at wolfgang.bronski.12@hotmail.com

this is my first tab i've posted


|------ 5-55-------|.
|-5-55 3-33-55-----|. place this part twice the firs time palm muted and the 2nd time normally
|-3-33------   33--|.

intro with all instrument

|-555555555555-333333-555555--|times 2

verses (play this twice during each verse)

|----5-5555535-55-5-57-77757--|       Palm muted


|-5555-5555-7777-5555--|    play this part twice


|----5-33-33-55----5-33-33-2-0-| play this bit palm muted twice
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