• Song:


  • Artist:

    Hajis Kitchen

  • Album:

    Haji's Kitchen

Song: "Free"
Artist: Haji's Kitchen
Album: Haji's Kitchen

Tabbed by: Chris Gumb
email: cgumb@berklee.net
AIM: Tornado O Souls

Note: This is my first time transcribing a song but I think I managed to get all the
Rhythm parts correct. The solo on the other hand... What I did get off the solo is
probobly 90% correct, an it all "sounds right" but that last section where he just
rapes his guitar is beyond my ability to figure out. Is it just a minor 4 note per
string legato thingy that ends up with some tapping thrown in at the end? I spent a
long time figuring all this out, but I really would like to know what he's doing on
the last part of the solo, if anyone out there sees anything wrong with what I have
or  can help me with the last part of the solo please drop me an email or IM me. I
want to eventually tab out this entire album!

Playing: A lot of wide vibrato parts and slight bends in the Rhythm section, listen
to  the song to get a feel for these parts. You can get the whole song from the Haji's
Kitchen website! http://www.hajiskitchen.com/audio/free.mp3


 Intro and Chorus Riff


 Verse Riff

|--------------------------------------------------| play on the
|--------------------------------------------------| 8th time
|--------------------------------------------------| if going into the Pre Chorus
|--1-----------4b-----------1-------1--------------| if not just play the regular
|----3v--X-X-X----0--1---3b---X-X-X----3--1--0-3^0-| part the 8th time

 Pre Chorus Riff
   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .
   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .   . . .
 Solo Riff
           . . .                       . . .
 Solo! (2:33)
       . . . . . .

 Lead over last Chorus
|-----------------------------------------------------------| 2X

|-----------------------------------------------------------| 2X

Final Chord
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