---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hanni El Khatib - HOUSE ON FIRE ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Tabbed by: Android2020 Listen to the song for the rhythm, feel free to correct or add missing part. Enjoy. A (x02220@1) F#m (244222@1) D (xx0232@1) G (320003@1) e|----- e|--2-- e|--5-- e|--3-- B|--2-- B|--2-- B|--7-- B|--3-- G|--2-- G|--2-- G|--7-- G|--4-- D|--2-- D|--4-- D|--7-- D|--5-- A|----- A|--4-- A|--5-- A|--5-- E|----- E|--2-- E|----- E|--3-- ADrop (x02220@1)me off at my car F#mI (244222@1)know I'm drunk but it ain't that far APromise (x02220@1)that I'll get home safe F#m(Can't (244222@1)be talked better it's too late)? D (xx0232@1) AAnd (x02220@1)the people will forgive it tomorrow F#m (244222@1) GBut (320003@1)I know that you still feel hollow... A (x02220@1) It's dangerous to love each other with the F#m (244222@1) house on fire but I know that we can A (x02220@1) F#mput (244222@1)up the fire if we try it tonight (x2) AEnding (x02220@1)up is harder these days F#mAnd (244222@1)I feel so strange in this place A'Cause (x02220@1)the mirror on my head F#mfeels (244222@1)better when you're not upset D (xx0232@1) AAnd (x02220@1)I won't change your notes for truth F#m (244222@1) GBut (320003@1)there ain't much you can do... A (x02220@1) It's dangerous to love each other with the F#m (244222@1) house on fire but I know that we can A (x02220@1) F#mput (244222@1)up the fire if we try it tonight (x2) ****BRIDGE**** A (x02220@1) A (x02220@1) F#me|---------------------|----------------------|--2-2-----------------| (244222@1)B|--2-3p2--------------|--2-2-----------------|--2-2-----------------| G|--2----2-------------|--2-2-----------------|--2-2-----------------| D|--2------------------|--2-2-----------------|--4-4-----------------| A|---------------------|----------------------|--4-4-----------------| E|---------------------|----------------------|--2-2-----------------| A (x02220@1) F#m (244222@1) A (x02220@1) e|----------------------|--2-2----x-x--x-x-x--|----------------------| B|--2-2----------5------|--2-2----x-x--x-x-x--|--2-2---7-7b8r7-7-5~--| G|--2-2-----2-4/6-6-4-2-|--2-2----x-x--x-x-x--|--2-2-----------------| D|--2-2--2-4------------|--4-2----x-x--x-x-x--|--2-2-----------------| A|----------------------|--4-2----x-x--x-x-x--|----------------------| E|----------------------|--2-2----x-x--x-x-x--|----------------------| F#m (244222@1) A (x02220@1) F#me|--2-2------------------|--------------------|--2-2-----------------| (244222@1)B|--2-2------------------|--2-2-3p2--3p2------|--2-2-----------------| G|--2-2---------2--------|--2-2----2----2-----|--2-2-----------------| D|--4-4------2-4---------|--2-2---------------|--4-4-----2222-2h4p2-2| A|--4-4---2-4------------|--------------------|--4-4--2-4------------| E|--2-2------------------|--------------------|--2-2-----------------| AStanding (x02220@1)in the morning F#mStanding (244222@1)in the eve' AAnd (x02220@1)I can't believe F#mThat (244222@1)you're staying with me (x2) A (x02220@1) It's dangerous to love each other with the F#m (244222@1) house on fire but I know that we can A (x02220@1) F#mput (244222@1)up the fire if we try it tonight (x2) A (x02220@1) F#mIf (244222@1)we try it tonight... 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