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This is the ultimate sing - a - long song. Check out the LIVE version 
off the " Greatest Stories Live " CD. 
INTRO : (same as chorus) 
  All my        life's a      circle  
  sunrise     and  sundown     ( h = hammer ) 
 the moon     rolls through  the night-time        'till the 
  daybreak       comes       around 
  all my      life's  a       circle             but 
  I can't       tell you    why   ( h = hammer ) 
 the seasons'    spinnin'    'round again 
the years keep  rollin'       by 
2nd verse : 
It seems like I've been here before,  I can't remember when. 
And I get this funny feelin', that we'll all be together again. 
There's no straight lines, 'make up my life, & all my roads have bends. 
There's no clear cut beginnings, and so far open ends. 
( chorus ) 
3rd verse : 
I found you a thousand times, I guess you done the same. 
But then we lose each other, it's just like it shouldn't have been. 
As I find you here again, the thought runs through my mind. 
Our love is like a circle, let's go around one more time. 
( chorus )    
Any questions, comments, or complaints, feel free to E-mail me 
or post a thread at this sight.
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