• Song:

    I Will Make A Wish

  • Artist:

    Heather Peace

I can't believe there aren't any Heather Peace tabs already :O

Ok so this is pretty simple, I worked it out by ear and by watching her performances. 
The chords for the choruses may not be 100%, but they sound like they fit.
It's my first tab too, so be nice!

Standard Tuning
Capo 4

Chords used:

      G           D          G barre (Gb)         A

Intro, Verses and Outro:




Please be aware that Gb doesn't mean G flat here - it actually is a G barre chord, 
so I've written it as Gb to distinguish it from the normal G chord.

G              D                 Gb               A
I will make a wish and give you wings so you can fly

G                    D                      Gb                  A
Turn your blue eyes green again, giving you no more need to cry

G              D                  Gb                 A
You will fly above the clouds and whisk towards the moon

G                   D                        Gb              A
Catch a dream on a falling star, one that's dancing to your tune

If you have any questions, feel free to email me: emilylhoward@hotmail.co.uk
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