Band: The Hellacopters
Song: Hurtin' Time
Album: High Visibility (Track 12)
Tuning: tune down 1/2 step
Tabbed by Marc
questions to:

That's the right version + solos (foreget my other tab^^)!!!

|---------------------------------------------------------------| x2



|---------------------------------------------------------------| x2


|---------------------------------------------------------------| x2




Solo 1

|--------------17b19-(  )---------------------------------------|

play this under it

|---------------------------------------------------------------| x4

Solo 2 after the 2nd intro-thing

|-----------------------the rest for this is still in work!!!---|


|---------------------------------------------------------------| x4
|---77777-55--8-8-1010-55555-55--8-8-1010-after the last one-7~~|

That's it! Pretty easy to play!
Solo 2 & 3 come tommorrow!
Cheers & Beers from Germany!

PS: There will be more tabs for this album!
    And if you want me to tab other Hellacopters Songs, just ask me!
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